So True? So False? Is Inception Hottie Tom Hardy Lindsay Lohan's Sponsor?!

Rumor has it the British thesp has agreed to be LiLo's new sober coach? We get to the bottom of this tabloid tale...

By Gina Serpe Jan 10, 2011 8:47 PMTags
Tom Hardy, Lindsay; Amy Graves/

You'd be hard-pressed to find a Hollywood starlet who wouldn't want to be saved by Inception hunk Tom Hardy. Which, presumably, includes Lindsay Lohan. At least, according to the ever reliable (ahem) rumor mill.

Rumors are rampant that Hardy is just the white knight LiLo needed, with reports circulating that the actor, who has been more than open about his own substance-related troubles in the very distant past, has agreed to serve as Lindsay's sponsor or, at the very least, sober coach.

It's a good idea in theory—who better to help a young star navigate the tough waters of sobriety in Hollywood than a slightly older star who's done it before? But is it true? Hang on to your totems, this rumor is…

So false!

Sources close to Lohan say it's not true, while Hardy's publicist flat out denied the rumors that the brand-spanking new BAFTA nominee has any official ties to Lohan, saying that the reports are inaccurate…albeit not totally out of left field.

So how did this odd couple get paired together in the press? Well, while Hardy's not officially a member of Lindsay's sober team, the duo has logged some face time together since Lohan's release from Betty Ford.

After becoming acquainted through mutual friends, the pair even met for dinner together last week.

Good for you, Linds. One day night at a time.

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