La Gym Bonita

Madonna is opening a new place for you to work out

By Chelsea Handler Oct 26, 2010 10:00 PMTags
Madonna, LourdesSmart Pictures/

Madonna is reportedly in the planning stages of opening a chain of gyms. The first "Hard Candy Fitness Center" is set to open in Mexico City, which makes sense as it's the epicenter of health and wellness. Madonna and her investors also have plans to open the gyms in countries such as Russia, Brazil, Argentina and other "locations throughout Europe and Asia." It sounds to me like somebody is looking for a new boyfriend. The best part of all of this news is that so far I don't see the United States listed as a destination for one of her gyms. I can only hope that she'll go on some sort of "gym tour" that will keep her out of the country for the next 17 years. The chain is supposed to reflect the popstar's "point of view." So much like other gyms, it should be a real blast.

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