NYPD: Yankee Field Crasher Out to Get A-Rod for "Ruining" Cameron Diaz

Man hauled away and charged with assault after leaping onto field to confront star over his love for actress

By Marianne Garvey Oct 20, 2010 3:11 PMTags

Remember how Woogie was obsessed with Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary? Well, this guy is like that—but he's real...and real scary.

Turns out the dude who charged the field and made a beeline toward Alex Rodriguez at Monday night's Yankee game did it all for the Diaz, according to the NYPD.

He was even armed…with a photo of Diaz scrawled with this chilling message:

"We will be together soon."

Police tell E! News that the man, Grim LeRogue (ne Joe Rogan), has been charged with assault.

According to an NYPD source, LeRogue had planned to confront the third baseman in some kind of duel for Diaz.

All told, LeRogue was carrying five pictures, one of which had an X scrawled across A-Rod's face and a gun pointed at his head. He also had a message for the Yankee, known for dating his fair share of actresses.

"You have to go bud, you've ruined too many of our white queens," was written across the picture. 

Fortunately, the interloper was quickly tackled by stadium security and hauled away before coming close to the Yankee star.

LeRouge, 33, also had a photo of Osama bin Laden with "I will serve you" written on it, along with another of Whitney Houston and ex-hubby Bobby Brown. Under Houston's face there was the caption "You will soon be my master's wife," while Brown's image was accompanied with a threat: "You need to be terminated."

Along with the assault charge, LeRogue was slapped with a charge of interfering with a sports event. He is currently at Lincoln Hospital in The Bronx undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

Now that that's taken care of, maybe A-Rod can focus on his other nightmare—the Texas Rangers.

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