Source: "Jasmine Is Loving the Attention"

Waltz acquantaince says David Arquette’s bedroom buddy is enjoying the spotlight, has quite the sordid past

By Ted Casablanca, Taryn Ryder Oct 14, 2010 3:04 PMTags
Jasmine Waltz, Mug Shot, Courteney Cox, David ArquetteJeff Vespa/Wireimage

Jasmine Waltz. Cocktail waitress. Wannabe actress. Also a girl some could have respected when she may or may not have punched out Lindsay Lohan at Voyeur earlier this summer.

But after it's come out that Jasmine's been sleeping with David Arquette since his separation from Courteney Cox, can't say America's a fan.

Naturally many are wondering, "What's up with this chick?" Acquaintances to Jasmine dish the following:

"She's clearly trying to further her 'career' by letting these types of stories drag out," says a source familiar with Jasmine's famous conquests.

"By smiling and giving a little to the photogs following her around now, she knows exactly what she's doing," sasses said Jas insider. "Like 'a friend' leaking to TMZ she's slept with David more than once? Can't imagine who that source could be."

Let me guess...

"Jasmine is loving the attention," adds the Waltz frenemy.

David's other gal certainly has found herself in the media hot seat, and her rap sheet isn't exactly helping her image—as if Jasmine cares that much.

J.W. (whose legal woes have outted her as 31 not 28, oops) has been arrested for petty larceny and marijuana possession.

And before she possibly got in a fight with Lohan, Waltz followed suit by allegedly attacking a girl up at Doug Reinhardt's house!

Jasmine has a restraining order in place after she apparently punched a girl in the face multiple times in the Hollywood Hills. Waltz must stay away from the babe until July 2013.

Says our insider who witnessed the attack:

"Yeah, Jasmine said she was blacked out and didn't remember doing it, but multiple people saw it," fesses our party source. "She tried to apologize to the girl later about it."

Apparently, it's still up in the air what's going to happen from that altercation. Sounds as promising as a Courteney/David reconciliation.

David, we can forgive you for oversharing to Howard Stern, but please pick a classier babe to move on with.

Don't you all agree?

(Why do men do this? Over and over again...)

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