Meet Hollywood's New Odd Couple

Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen really are an item

By Ted Casablanca, Ashley Fultz, Taryn Ryder Oct 05, 2010 11:15 PMTags
Rachel McAdams, Michael SheenO'Neill/White/

Color us just a tad confused.

First, we get word 50 Cent and Chelsea Handler are apparently hooking up, and now more pictures of Rachel McAdams getting publicly cozy with Michael Sheen have surfaced.

Guess it's time to put away our Notebook DVD's...Rachel is off the market.

While Ryan Gosling is bulking up down here in L.A., Rach has been spotted all over Toronto holding hands with Sheen.

The age stuff isn't what's weirding us out—McAdams is 31; Michael's 41—it's just that there's an element of randomness here, no?

Rachel and Michael recently finished filming Woody Allen's latest flick, Midnight in Paris, this summer, so the easy diagnosis is that R.M. must have a thing for costars. But who doesn't in Hollywood?

We're just surprised Rachel would go from hunk-muffin Ryan to Michael. Did she feel burned by the obviously good-lookin' type.

Don't get us wrong, it's not like McAdams is in poor company, though. Sheen has a kid with Hollywood stunner Kate Beckinsale, so we don't doubt his ability to romance a hottie. It just breaks our hearts! We've so been rooting for Rachel and Ryan!

Feel the same?


Awful's Get Over It Poll

Do you approve of Rachel's new man?
Yes: It's time for us all to move on
No: McGosling forever

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