Finally. Some Good News for Paris Hilton

Hotel namesake puts to bed a lawsuit against Hallmark for using her "hot" image in a greeting card

By Josh Grossberg Sep 27, 2010 3:06 PMTags
Paris HiltonJordan Strauss/

Call it a hallmark decision for Paris Hilton.

The celebutante has resolved a lawsuit filed against the folks at Hallmark claiming the greeting-card company violated her privacy and publicity rights by using likeness and "That's Hot" signature line without her permission.

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed but Hilton had asked for at least $500,000 in damages.

Hallmark had contended the card was a parody protected under the First Amendment and fair-use laws, but that argument was shot down by a federal appeals court, paving the way for a December trial.

And on the bright side for Paris, any news not involving her cocaine bust has to be good, right?

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