Should James Franco Be the Next Action Star?

What genre best suits the ambitious actor

By Ted Casablanca, John Boone Jun 30, 2010 3:03 PMTags
James FrancoMichael Buckner/Getty Images

We're sure we've made it plenty clear how we feel about Jake Gyllenhaal's abs-over-emotion attempt at being a superhero of sorts. (Although many of you conveniently skipped the part where we said we think the dude is still a totally talented actor.)

But what about his genre-hopping, T-town peer, James Franco? Is he more suited for those big blockbusters or should, he too, stick to the drama and leave the action flicks to actors with more bulk than brains?

James newest Funny or Die video—which, per usual for the site, is light on the funny—got us to thinking. In the clip, J.F. stars alongside Bill Hader and mourns the loss of his Spider-Man supervillain role while also name-dropping his critically adored (and honored) film, Milk.

With his well-trained acting chops, is James a master of all genres—drama, action, comedy, even…soap operas—or should he ditch the capes and punch lines and stick to the emotional mumbo jumbo?

Gotta say, we think J.F. does a damn good job bouncing between flicks (though we're still a bit confused on his continued return to the daytime dramz) but he's shown that he has a knack for humor in Pineapple Express, that he can play serious in films like Howl and that he isn't too shabby in the web-spinning superhero flicks.

We're just hoping the ambitious (and often unconventional) actor won't totally ef up his career by ditching his bread and butter in an attempt to be seen as overly artsy. Sure, throw in a bizarro art installation or unexplained documentary from time to time, but don't forget to wow us on the big screen too!

But we want to hear where you think James shines, tho, please don't say his personal life. We all know that's not true.

Love Ted? Follow @theawfultruth on Twitter.


Photos: Hollywood Goes Up In Smoke!

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