Chace Crawford's Pot Case Planted With D.A.

Texas prosecutors to determine whether to bring marijuana charges against Gossip guy

By Josh Grossberg Jun 10, 2010 3:50 PMTags
Chace Crawford, Mug shotPlano Police Department

Chace Crawford will have to wait a while longer before the smoke clears.

Police in Plano, Texas, have sent the Gossip Girl hunk's pot case to the district attorney, who will determine his fate.

"The case has been referred to prosecutors, and they will determine whether they have enough evidence to pursue charges against him," a police spokesman tells E! News.

For those just emerging their holes, Crawford was busted in early last Friday morning, while he and a buddy were hanging out in the parking lot of a local watering hole. Cops turned up what sources say was a single unlit joint.

The 24-year-old thesp was taken into custody and booked on a misdemeanor count of possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana and released a few hours later.

A conviction could theoretically net Crawford a maximum six months in jail and a $2,000 fine, but a more realistic sentence would be probation, a small fine and possible drug-education classes.

But the worst punishment of all: having his mug shot plastered all over the place.


When celebs meet the law they usually end up in our Mug-Shot Mania gallery

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