Jake Gyllenhaal Makes It Clear: "I Wear Pants"

Star of video-game-inspired Prince of Persia talks about how he got in shape with parkour, doing fight scenes and sets the record straight on his wardrobe

By Gregory Imler May 25, 2010 4:21 PMTags

From all the posters popping up, it looks like Jake Gyllenhaal's chiseled physique and leather garments were a major part of the Prince of Persia marketing strategy.

As for his muscle-displaying accoutrements, Jake's quick to set things straight. "Let me clear this up for the record," he tells E! News. "I don't wear a loincloth in this movie, OK? I wear pants."

Not only does he favor pants, Jake points out:

"There are no sandals involved, either. I wear boots, and my boots are pretty badass, to use an alliteration."

Got that? Those hoping for loincloths and sandals, just move along.

But how did Jake pull off the other part of the equation, getting into top physical form? Your basic regimen of cardio, sword fighting and parkour, aka "street running," of course. You know, getting from point A (let's say a rooftop) to point B (perhaps a Starbucks three blocks away) in the fastest way possible, obstacles (walls included) be damned.

So to get ripped like Jake, forget the trip to the gym once every eight weeks. Just run to work, remembering to jump over trashcans, bus benches or fellow pedestrians—and you'll soon find yourself bulked up and ready for your own sleeveless leather breastplate. With pants.

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