Live at the CW Upfront: Chuck Bass Lives!

Plus, a Life Unexpected, One Tree Hill pair-up on Tuesday nights

By Megan Masters May 20, 2010 2:56 PMTags
Gossip Girl, Ed WestwickGiovanni Rufino / The CW

What a harrowing three days it's been since the Gossip Girl finale (yes, only three!), but get ready to squee because we've seen the CW's new fall lineup and things are lookin' good. To be fair, it's all pretty much the same, barring a few perfect time-slot swaps. Still, one tidbit of information popped right out at us:

Chuck Bass will live to brood another day! And he's doing so alongside those 90210 West Coasters...

Ah, yes, tubers, the question of whether Ed Westwick's beloved Gossip Girl Basshole survived the finale received a definitive answer at Thursday morning's Upfront in the form of a season-four bio that details Chuck's new 'tude on life and more valiant efforts to woo a Paris-bound Blair.

It's young love in its purest form.

Gossip Girl now joins Monday's newest transplant, 90210, a move that makes perfect sense. Yay.

Fred Norris/The CW

Also on the schedule this fall are—drum roll, please—Life Unexpected and One True Hill together! The new Tuesday night schedule pairs the two series that were assumed to be vying for one time slot but will now share the night come September. Sometimes life is just very, very good to us.

And as reported earlier this week, Nikita and Hellcats are the CW's newest additions, pairing, respectively, with The Vampire Diaries and that superlong-running staple America's Next Top Model.

Here's a rundown of what you'll need to fit into your DVR lineup this fall:

8-9 p.m.: 90210
9-10 p.m.: Gossip Girl

8-9 p.m.: One Tree Hill
9-10 p.m.: Life Unexpected

8-9 p.m.: America's Next Top Model
9-10 p.m.: Hellcats (New)

8-9 p.m.: The Vampire Diaries
9-10 p.m.: Nikita (New)

8-9 p.m.: Smallville
9-10 p.m.: Supernatural

Keep following Kristin Dos Santos on Twitter for all your Upfronts scoop, and take a look at a a few of your favorite TV stars right here.

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