What's With All This Sex and the City Photoshopping?

Awww, the SATC ladies are just not allowed to age gracefully, be it magazine covers or movie posters...

By Jennifer Cady May 14, 2010 11:47 PMTags
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Between all the babies and husbands and hot flashes, the Sex and the City ladies have grown up since the series ended, but don't tell their faces that. Well, actually maybe their faces are OK with it, it's just everyone else who can't handle it.

Poor Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kristen Davis and Kim Cattrall have been so Photoshopped for all the press leading up to the sequel that they're starting to look like cartoons, which is fitting seeing how the series has become a giant fairy tale.

But the latest Photoshop tragedy comes way of Entertainment Weekly where not only are their faces completely smoothed over, but there's some weird mangled arm stuff going on that you can futher explore here.

Yet, nothing compares to the poster featuring all four ladies:

That doesn't even look like Kim Cattrall. It's not like we don't know how old everyone is and what they look like, so why can't we just let them be great?

Marcel Thomas/Getty Images

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Further explore the weird aging of the SATC gang in our Sex and the City 2 Sneak Peeks gallery.

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