Would You Do…John Mayer Sweatin' His Skank Out?

Pop singer hits the courts, but what do you think?

By Ted Casablanca May 07, 2010 12:45 PMTags
John MayerScope Australia, PacificCoastNews.com

John Mayer hasn't been getting much (or any, really) good press of late. With the "sexual napalm" career bomb and everyone and their country-loving cousin worrying whether the dude is or isn't tainting T.Swift, J.M. has been known more for his sleaze than his songs.

But when we reported that one of H'wood's biggest man whores was working on a complete image overhaul—choosing work over women and being press shy over public a-hole—we did not expect this.

So what do you think—is Mayer still do-able all country-clubbed out?

Though the prep attire may look ridiculous on the tatted fellow (and he certainly doesn't have the Jake Gyllenhaal thighs to rock those itty-bitty shorts), kudos to Mayer for actually making some changes in his life.

It would have been easy for him to throw out a couple of halfass apologies and wait for a bigger douchebag—like Jesse James, as it may be—to take the horny heat. But Mayer seems to have taken to heart his Playboy taboo, choosing instead to lie low in the press and stay single...for now.

It's all certainly more attractive than the womanizer he was becoming, no? Unless of course you're into that—and we can't lie, we like a bad boy from time to time (especially when accompanied by mucho talent).

So we just hope Mayer doesn't turn into too much of a "good boy." If we catch him helping an old lady cross the street or picnicking in the park, we'll know something really nefarious is at work. Because we all know that under that polo and those matching sweatbands, J.M. will always, ultimately remain a baddie at heart.

And if that means whacking a few balls to vent your sexual frustration, then we'll see you at Wimbledon, Mayer.

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