Shakira to Arizona: Your Immigration Law Blows

Columbian pop star will visit Arizona to lobby against a new immigration law and stand up for immigrant rights

By Josh Grossberg Apr 29, 2010 7:20 PMTags
ShakiraAP Photo/Ramon Espinosa

Watch out, Grand Canyon State. You're about to get a visit from the She Wolf. And she's not too psyched about making the trip.

Shakira is heading to Arizona this afternoon to inject herself into the controversy surrounding the state's new immigration law.

"As a Latina, I'm very concerned how this law can impact working Hispanic families," the popster told Ryan Seacrest on his morning radio show.

"I think that being detained in the street just because of the color of your skin is just wrong, and it's a violation of human and civil rights."

The Colombian-born Grammy winner will hold a press conference with Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon followed by a sit-down with immigrant families and students to discuss the impact of the law, which enables local law enforcement to demand proof of citizenship.

"I'm going to go see the mayor, who's also opposing this law," she added. "He's also filing a lawsuit against this. I'm also going to be meeting with the chief of police to see how they're planning to implement a law like this one in spite of it being a violation to civil rights."

The "Hips Don't Lie" singer said she hoped to ask officials whether "they're really willing to enforce the law even though they know it's going crush the dreams of so many immigrants who would like to have a shot at the American dream like so many minorities have in the past in this country.

"We all know that America has been forged by the dreams of those people and by their passion and by their contribution to the economy by working really hard, and that's what Latinos do in this country, is work tirelessly," Shakira told Seacrest.

"I wasn't born in this country, and I know what a great country this is," she remarked. "It depends greatly on creating union, not division, and I think this law will create chaos and create division instead of progress and union, and I don't think it's fair."

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