The Real Housewives of New Jersey Dish on Prostitution Whores and Hot Tub Lesbians

Teresa Giudice and Dina Manzo offer their take on Jersey Shore, "bubbies" and other Garden State stylings

By Drusilla Moorhouse Apr 21, 2010 10:05 PMTags
Teresa Giudice, Dina Manzo, Real Housewives of New JerseyMitchell Haaseth/BRAVO

"We use prostitution whore in all different ways—as a verb, adjective: 'That dress is prostitution whore fabulous.'"

Thank you, Dina Manzo, for reminding us why we love The Real Housewives of New Jersey so much. To promote the May 3 (finally!) return of their hit show, Dina and her table-flipping BFF, Teresa Giudice, gave us their take on Jersey Shore, "bubbies" and other Garden State stylings...

Even though their show paved the way for the success of Jersey Shore, the Housewives aren't fans. Dina complains: "We shouldn't be telling our kids, 'If you get drunk and go in a hot tub and make out, you'll get your own TV show.'" Says Teresa: "Does that really happen at the Jersey Shore? Yes it does." However, she adds, "I had a shore house, and I never made out with another girl in the hot tub."

Not surprisingly, you won't hear the Housewives critique the Shore stars' style. "Big hair's sexy," says Dina. "Yeah," agrees Teresa. "And my husband [Joe] likes the big hair!"

Is a Jersey girl ever too young to get her tan on? Not according to Teresa's daughter. "Gia, you're 9 years old, are you kidding me?" Teresa says of when she saw her daughter "laying out" in the sun. "She's like, 'No I want to be tan—I look better when I'm tan.' It's the cutest thing."

Gia will have to wait for her "bubbies," but Teresa is still loving her brand-new C cups. When asked whether she'd consider plastic surgery herself, Dina says, "Of course. I'm going to look like Joan Rivers when I'm older."

Still, both women swear that everything that happens on The Real Housewives of New Jersey is genuine. "I don't know how to fake things," insists Teresa. Adds Dina, "You don't have to do that in New Jersey."

As for the prostitution whore (noun version), neither Dina nor Teresa have any regrets about the way she was treated. "Danielle did a lot of things off camera," says Dina. "It came across like we were ganging up, but believe me, we weren't." "If the shoe fits, then wear it," adds Teresa. "I started [calling her a prostitution whore] because it really fits the part."

Catch Danielle, Dina, Teresa and the rest of the gang when the second season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey premieres May 3 at 10 p.m. on Bravo.


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