Curb Your Enthusiasm Renewed! Now Where Is Ricky Gervais?

HBO announces an eighth season is in the works for the comedy staple

By Megan Masters Apr 20, 2010 6:26 PMTags
Larry David, Ricky GervaisLisa O'Connor/; Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Heck to the yes! That miserable/loveable Larry David is officially coming back for more Curb Your Enthusiasm, HBO just announced.

"After much soul searching—and by the way, it was nowhere to be found—I have decided to do another season of Curb," says Larry David. 

So now, we know what you're all thinking. Will Office mastermind and all-around comedic genius Ricky Gervais come onboard? 'Cause remember, Larry told us exclusively...

He's asked Ricky to guest star in the new season!! "I think Ricky Gervais is one of the funniest guys I've ever met," Larry told us.

HBO can't confirm any good news just yet, but we've reached out to Larry's peeps so we'll keep you posted on two of our favorite funnymen making some funny together. Sound good?

In the meantime, Larry plans to stay busy with that aforementioned soul search. "I look forward to the end of shooting, when I can once again resume the hunt for my elusive soul," the Seinfeld scribe jokes. "I know it's here somewhere or perhaps in the rugged mountainous regions of Pakistan."

Larry and Co. get back to work on the eighth and potentially final season of Curb this summer, and we'll reap the benefits when it returns in 2011.

Ummm, excited much about the return of this great HBO staple? Hoping to see Ricky join the great Larry onscreen? Plaster your pleas below and maybe the powers that be will get a move on.


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