Link Party: Fergie's Too Busy to Worry About Being Called Fugly

Pop superstar tells Elle she knows what people are saying about her, but doesn't care...

By Jennifer Cady Apr 07, 2010 10:33 PMTags
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• Fergie covers the May issue of Elle and has one thing to say to all the haters: "It has hurt me in the past when people say things like how ‘fugly' I am or how horrible I look. I've had to learn not to give it such a high priority in life...Look, when you're trying to juggle all of this in your life, sometimes you're not going to look perfect."

Oh look, Jennifer Aniston is pregnant again. You know it has to be true because of the bad photoshopping.

Lindsay Lohan's BBC documentary about child labor in India might not be the worst. In fact, it might actually do some good if we can get past the whole Lindsay Lohan thing.

Life & Style wins for most ridiculous story of the day with "The biggest boys in Hollywood!" And by boys they mean penises.

LOL at Catherine Zeta-Jones for wearing a scrunchie. And it's velvet! How quickly we forget the teachings of Sex and the City.


Kim K.'s looking like a hottie our Big Pic gallery—what else is new, right?

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