More Jesse James' Alleged Mistresses?! We're Running Out of Fingers

Tally is up to four as Gloria Allred announces she's representing "beautiful model and businesswoman...who had three-year affair" with James

By Marcus Errico Mar 25, 2010 9:27 PMTags
Sandra Bullock, Jesse JamesDC Hunter,

First there was Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, who sold out Jesse James to In Touch. Then came Melissa Smith, who gave her story to Star magazine. Up next, Brigitte Daguerre, who was outed by TMZ. That got us thinking it was only a matter of time before Gloria Allred became involved.


"I represent a beautiful model and business woman. She had an intimate three-year relationship with Jesse James. He pursued her and he had strong feelings for her," the camera-friendly attorney said in a statement today, declining to ID her client—by our count, the fourth of James' self-proclaimed mistresses.

"She is in the process of trying to decide if she will come forward," adds Allred. "She has proof of their relationship including hundreds of texts, emails and photos. The relationship just ended recently after the scandal broke."

Hey, Sandra Bullock, we have a baseball bat you can borrow.


Did the Vanilla Gorilla monkey around? Hard to believe since he and the missus looked so happy in Sandra Bullock & Jesse James' Monster Love gallery.

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