Podcast: Was Lita Ford Shut Out of The Runaways?

Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning take on the all-girl band, but the flick leaves out a key player, and here's why

By Leslie Gornstein Mar 24, 2010 6:28 PMTags
The Runaways, Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart Runaway Productions

Why was Lita Ford largely left out the Kristen Stewart movie The Runaways?
—LitaGirl, New Jersey via the Answer B!tch inbox

It's true that lady rocker Lita Ford is barely in the flick, which, instead, is largely owned by Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie.

Ford has talked about what happened, and it reveals quite a bit about how the biopic sausage is made in Hollywood:

She told Rolling Stone:

"I just want people to know that I have nothing to do with that film. Joan's manager offered to buy the rights to my life story for a thousand bucks. I thought that was pretty disgusting—we never even replied."

Producers decided to move forward without Ford's life rights, and gave her character minimal screen time to reduce legal risks.

Another former Runaway is also at odds with the film:

Jacqueline Fuchs, aka Jackie Fox. Jackie's name was changed in the movie and her character is also minor. That's because, like Ford, Fox's life rights were not acquired by the film's producers. Jett has actually sued Jackie, accusing the former bassist of trying to have the film halted.

Now, find out the whole story, and plenty more, in my wild new podcast! Because, seriously, who reads anymore?

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