Good or Bad, Rob & Kristen "Love, Love, Love" the Media Chatter

Insider claims Rob and Kristen like keeping the speculation going about their relationship

By Ted Casablanca Mar 19, 2010 2:02 PMTags
Robert Pattinson, Kristen StewartBryan Bedder/Getty Images, Jon Furniss/Getty Images

We've been getting heat for giving Robert Pattinson a bit of a rough time, and now one of our trusted sources is calling us out, too.

One of our Industry insiders, who has worked intimately with both Rob and Kristen Stewart, says we're totally off-base in semi-dissing R.Pattz, and that the Twilight duo doesn't care too much about what's exactly being said anyways:

"[Rob] has it all," divulges our snoop, who is known for having a great eye in the biz. "He's handsome and talented.

"He's great at being self-deprecating, but he's very charming. He always makes you laugh and has lots of class."

Uh, didn't we make that plain we felt likewise? Apparently not.

Regardless, this info doesn't come as such a surprise since when we've encountered Rob in person (and away from publicists and media alike) he's been nothing but down-to-Earth and adorable. Even at the Vanity Fair Oscar party last year, Pattinson had a level head on his shoulders, unlike Hollywood's A-List around him.

But here's the more painful part of this Robsten source's story, which we feel we must also report. You know, to be fair:

She adds that Kristen doesn't exactly carry with her the same charisma in person, though on occasions, we must beg to differ.

"Kristen's got a little attitude, man. You can't even talk to her without her people swooping in. When Rob's [people] do that, he just sort of fluffs it off, and keeps talking, not with Kristen."

Sure, we've seen that happen on both sides. But don't think that either Rob or Kristen are just taking orders about how to handle their relationship to the public.

"They both love that everyone's talking about them—love, love, love it! It's catnip to them," spills our spy about how Robsten feel about being, well, Robsten.

"Let's face it—the residual speculation about what they're possibly doing is far more interesting than anything they're actually showing us."

Very true, except there's no "possibly" about it!

We love Rob and Kristen. Avid AT readers know that. But one reason why we always stick up for Stewart is because isn't it always the girl who gets bashed on for slouching, fidgeting, or not dressing up enough? The guy, oh no that makes him chill, but if a girl takes on that relaxed attitude she gets slammed for it in the media, a la K.Stew.

Just because we're in a girl-power frenzy here doesn't mean we've forgotten our roots. Rob, darling, big smooches to you. Mwah, mwah, mwah!

Who cares about Remember Me? We didn't think you were the problem, anyway. We're just glad to see your sexy swagger is intact. Knew it was!


Check out Robsten's history in the Rob & Kristen Romance Diary gallery.

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