Bitch-Back! Palin's the Best, Ted's the Worst

Readers split over recent Sarah Palin comments

By Ted Casablanca Jan 18, 2010 2:00 PMTags
Sarah PalinJoseph Connolly/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
Here's a piss: I am willing to bet $100 that Sarah Palin is smarter than you, richer than you, more powerful than you and unfortunately for you, has actually accomplished some real things in her life versus the imaginary bulls--t that you put out. Now, since I only became aware of you because you decided to get more hits on your site by taking shots at Sarah Palin, I will retreat back into my world while you swim around in your piss world.
Philip James

Dear Bill O'Riley:
Looks like someone is on the Fox payroll—agree to disagree, shall we?

Dear Ted:
I've been reading your blolum for a couple of months now and I'm obsessed. You're so much better than Perez with his mean gossip that just reek of jealousy of some star or other sometimes. What I've been wondering about, is how are things with Blake Lively and Penn Badgley? Blake is my girl-crush and I certainly wouldn't kick Penn out of my bed if he happened to make his way there. Are they still together? Are they as nice as they seem? Have they ever been blind vices? Thanks and much love from Finland!

Dear Gossip Girl:
Yep, they're still together. Blake definitely is a little wilder than she pretends to be, but there's nothing wrong with that. Her attitude may need a readjustment at times though. 

Dear Ted:
Who is more important in Hollywood? Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner?

Dear Battle of the Studs:
Rob. Way. 

Dear Ted:
You know I love you and all my gay friends who have the cojones to be out and proud! But I must ask are there any totally straight men in Hollywood-even one? Can you please name that person? (and Donny Osmond does not count).

Dear Tricky:
Sure. Just can't name 'em off the top of my head. Jon Hamm?

Dear Ted:
I don't think you've weighed in on the Conan/Jay/NBC debacle but I'm wondering: given that more people are watching NBC now from the publicity, what do you think the chances are that this deal was done before it was public, and we are just being manipulated to give NBC more publicity?

Dear Late Night Beatdown:
Personally, I don't find Conan to be all that funny. So I guess that would land me on Team Jay. Except I think it was a total dick move by NBC!

Dear Ted:
So Jensen Ackles decided to marry Danneel Harris. He loves and supports a woman who seems to have as much maturity and class as any trashy reality-TV celeb (and who doesn't hesitated to call Supernatural fans "fat cows" behind their back). I used to admire Jensen a lot, but tell me how can I still have respect for him when his "good and nice Texas boy" image he has built over the years seems to be as fake as his fiancée ?
A disillusioned fan

Dear Hopeless:
Maybe there's another reason for it?

Dear Ted:
What do you think Robstenites will think if R/K win the Razzie for worst screen couple and Rob wins worst supporting actor? It would be right before the Oscars and would be very embarrassing for both of them, particularly for Rob with Remember Me out that week. KS is also down as part of worst screen couple with Taylor. Do you think those voting will try to get New Moon one way or another and do you think any "wins" for the cast/movie/director would be deserved? How good an omen would that be for Eclipse as far as Summit is concerned, given the comments made about the leaked script?

Dear Debbie Downer:
I think it's a possibility they might win! Not because they necessarily deserve it. But because it'll stir up a lot of controversy in Twiland.

Dear Ted:
What's up with Shia Labeouf and Carrie Mulligan, actual couple? And tell me Megan Fox and Shia—friends or more? Please let me know! Thanks much.

Dear Shi-Curious:
I think Shia and Megan are very good friends. Definitely not a couple nor do I think they will be. As for Carrie, I feel like she and Shia will have the kind of relaysh most costars do—there's an expiration right around the time the movie comes out. 

Dear Ted:
Is Steve Carell as normal and kind as he seems? He seems like a humble family guy. Hope it's true!
Office Lover

Dear Define Normal:
Sure he's normal by Hollywood standards...which means he's been a Blind Vice! Heart him though.

Dear Ted:
I hope R.Pattz will become a household name in Hollywood, like Clooney, Pitt or DiCaprio. But what will happen to him if Remember Me fails?

Dear Good Q:
Every actor is bound to have flops, but lets hope Rob's already had those. I hear he's fantastic in Remember Me...he's a good actor, just has to get the chance to sho wit.

Dear Ted:
You've really been after Palin lately, and I agree with you on everything. I hate that this quitter is making millions off her hate and twisted view of reality. But it seems to me that it was inevitable that the right would provide her with a forum since she is such a whack-job. Isn't it better that she is relegated to Faux News, where she can only pollute the already-polluted? Maybe you should add her to the list of people to whom you don't give publicity.
With you all the way 

Dear Same Team:
Thanks much, doll!

Dear Ted:
Do you think Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez would couple up? I think they would be so cute!

Dear Obvious:
Yeah I could see that happening. Just don't know if that would be convenient too, though.

Dear Ted:
Has Hugh Jackman ever been a Blind Vice?

Dear Duh:
Is Hugh hot? And how.


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