Carrey, Piven and Sports Dudes Unleash the Twitters on Tiger

That golf guy may have meowed a statement, but the stars are roaring their reactions

By Breanne L. Heldman Dec 02, 2009 11:48 PMTags
Chad OchoCinco, Twitter, Tiger; Andrew Redington/Getty Images

Not surprisingly, Tiger Woods is a big trending topic on Twitter. And, even less shocking, plenty of celebs are giving their two cents.

Jim Carrey is making jokes while Jeremy Piven thinks there's nothing to see here. And sports stars are especially taking the golf guru to task. Well, sort of.

"I'm in tears," writes Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad OchoCinco. "Hearing about Tiger reminds me when my mom sat me down and told me Santa Clause wasn't real, cmon Tiger you're my idol."

Kim Kardashian's main squeeze, Reggie Bush, has written a four-tweet opus on the issue.

"For those of you who think Tiger 'won't be the same' after this, you guys are crazy! He's maybe the single greatest athlete of our time," he declares. "Oh and he's the First Billionaire Athlete! Trust me he's good! Lol! Doesn't make what he did right, but he's GOOD trust that! I'm specifically speaking on Sports not talking about his personal life! This will only drive him to be greater! Golfer's better watch out!!"

Of course, he doesn't think too highly of Jaimee Grubbs and her recent blab-fest.

"This TRICK tryng 2 get famous off Tiger but funny thing is in a few weeks nobody will know her name! Then it's back 2 reality sweety," he LOLs.

Michael Strahan is reiterating the club swinger's statements about privacy.

"I don't know about u but I'm not surprised by Tiger Woods," he says. "He's a man not an angel. Its none of r business!! What happened to privacy?

Of course, you can always count on Carrey for a laugh.

"Type quickly...must be 1st to say it! 'Tiger... next time use a driver!' if u you didn't love that joke someone has stolen my phone. :)}}," he wrote last night.

"Just move on, let Tiger out of the woods," Piven projects.

"Tiger Woods made his statement. Time to move on and let him deal with issues privately," Marlee Matlin agrees. "My head is going to explode Why is someone's marital issue any of our business? Its between THEM & MAYBE his employers (brand issues) NOT US."

And singer Ciara finds all this recent infidelity deeply discomforting.

"It seems like cheating is the new trend, and if you dont do it, it aint cool," she says. "What the hello is happening in America!!??"



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