Bitch-Back! What's Eating Angie?

Angelina Jolie keeps on shrinking, Kristen haters keep on hating

By Ted Casablanca Nov 14, 2009 5:55 PMTags
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Dear Ted:
You always brighten my day. Do you think Angelina Jolie has an eating disorder? Nobody can be so skinny after having 3 babies. Love Ya!

Dear Bones 'n' All:
She's on what we call a mystery diet. Think about it.

Dear Ted:
With all of the hoopla over Jensen Ackles getting engaged, people are speculating that one reason is that this will be Supernatural's last season. If this is indeed true, what do you think that means for Jackles (or Padackles, as I prefer to call them)? Will their epic bromance stand the test of time and new-found distance? Or will it fade into oblivion as so many friendships do?

Next door neighbors

Dear Bye-Bye Bromance:
If it's true bromance, they'll stay together. Have some faith!

Dear Ted:
Michael Lohan
leaked those tapes for the same reason he is "friends" with Jon Gosslin: attention! He can't get any for any of his own accomplishments, so he has to mooch it off of everyone else. I am surprised he doesn't go around photo-bombing people!
Amanda F., NYC

Dear Lohan So Yesterday:
He's an attention whore, just like his daughter…actually just like his whole fam. But we're all over it. Daddy Lohan needs to get the picture.

Dear Ted:
Are Woody Harrelson and Owen Wilson just really good friends or "really good friends"? Hugs and kisses to you and your furry family.

Dear Bromance…or is it:
Okay what is up with this—I've gotten much questions about these two. What gay vibes are you getting?

Dear Ted:
People need to give Rihanna some space. An abusive relationship equals trauma. It is possible that a star who has been traumatized will get up and be a spokesperson for that issue, but even the bravest people need some time to heal and sort out what happened. If her management is pushing her to talk before she is well enough to do so, shame on them!

Dear Celeb Shrink:
Understand where you're coming from—but if she didn't speak on it, it would be the big abusive elephant in the room whenever she would give an interview. It's better to speak once and get it out of the way. Think of how many people RiRi has helped.

Dear Ted:
Robert Pattinson
and Kristen Stewart keep saying that being able to go through all this "insanity" together has brought them closer and they're glad they could do all this together. Do you think that all of this craziness could end up pushing them away from each other? Or will it continue to bring them closer together? Love you bunches!

Dear Robsten Romance:
I think that all the attention can get a little on the annoying side at times, but they're cool peeps, so I'd like to think that it'll bring them closer. They'll get privacy after all these movies wrap.

Dear Ted:
What is going on with Catherine Hardwicke? She is basically blasting Robsten's romance off the rooftop any chance she gets but doesn't she think that maybe Rob and Kristen want to keep their private lives private? We just barely got photographic evidence of Rob and Kristen being affectionate but Catherine talks about the twos relationship whenever given the chance. Yes, she can be given some credit to creating Robsten, but why doesn't someone tell her to keep her mouth shut when it comes to other people's private lives. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Rob or Kristen told her to eff off. Do you think she's doing this because she has been abandoned by the Twilight crew and this is just her way of sticking it to them?

Dear Director Gone Wild:
She prob just likes talking about them just as much as the next person—and even you! And me! So yeah, she might go a little overboard at times, but she's human, with a Robsten obsession just like the rest of us. Plus, chick needs a new job. This will get her press.

Dear Ted:
I started my own pop culture website, 3 yrs ago and have had over 4 million readers since then and have been picked up my MTV, VH1, Dlisted, etc. I'd love to bring my site to the next level, but am not sure how. Any advice or thoughts? I would love to chat with you about this if/when you ever had some time.

Dear Over Achiever:
That's awesome! Keep up the good work.

Dear Ted:
Is Seymour Plow-Me-More having problems with his beard/wife? Is it getting bad because of some personal matters dealing with his sexuality and the kids (of course)?

Dear Plow Me Less:
Sometimes couples go through a rough patch in their relationship…and in Hollywood, it's out for everyone to see…sucks. But they won't be divorcing or anytime soon. The wife knows what kind of man she married.

Dear Ted:
On the alleged "holding hands" pics of R.Pttz and K.Stew, is just pure genius. Kudos to their teams for handling this one like they did. Skeptics will say perfect timing about the New Moon publicities and stuff but that is exactly their plan to out them without being really obvious about it. Cunning, manipulative and pure evil…and I love it. Love AT and especially you.

Dear Robsten Stunt:
Heart ya back, babe. They seem way more comfortable over in Europe—no?

Dear Ted:
Ted, since everyone respects you, and I do mean that, could you please get a hold of Ellen DeGeneres and tell her to please not ask Rob any questions about Kristen? I can see her showing him a pretty obvious picture or two, but with all that is going on, could she please show some mercy and avoid the questions? Do you think she would agree with that if you asked her nice? I think our fav two are getting really tired! Thank you kindly.

Dear No Comment:
Trust me, Ellen isn't going to be grilling Rob at all. She'll joust him a bit—but it will all be prepped ahead of time.

Dear Ted:
Not that I give two hoots about Robsten, but I am intrigued by the severity of the K.Stew hate. I don't remember another time when a young actress was so hated just for dating the hot-guy-of-the-moment. Winona Ryder when she was with Johnny Depp? Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt? I can't think of any. PS: Thanks for the love to the Killeen shelter. They could use all the help they can get.
Nicole, Austin

Dear Jel about K.Stew:
There's been several of those, and you listed some. That's just the way the world turns, heck I'm even jealous of our girl Kristen. But love her still.

Dear Ted:
Please explain your definition of a "bad boy". PS: You are so stinking cute Ted. Love the column.

Dear Bad Boy Action:
Bad boy: a Bradley Cooper-esque guy who's sexy and sophisticated with tons of secrets, yet there's a slight dirty/rugged feature about him.

Dear Ted:
Do the leaked Lindsay tapes sort of change your mind about Dina Lohan? After all, Dina says she tried to get Lindsay into rehab but to no avail. Too little, too late.

Dear Dina Don't Cry:
Dina is still considered a stage mom in my eyes and will always be. She's nuts, just like her daughter…guess it runs in the family.

Dear Ted:
I have a question for you. Do you think you should separate a section for Kristen Stewart's fans? They cannot accept that everyone has the right to express their own opinion in an open board like AT. Every time someone makes a negative comment for their Miss Perfect, their posts get reported. Could you tell them please is it rude (because untrue is not for sure) to say that KS usually has a potty mouth, and she is not grateful in what life gave her until now? Should I get reported when I don't like all her outfits? I am always polite in my posts and I like to read a variety of opinions. Why do some of KS fans do not allow me to say whatever I want? Maybe you should think of a new report system. So Ted, are you going to fix the problem with the mix comments? Many kisses anyway.

Dear Hurtin' Words:
Well the whole point of having an open forum is for people to write whatever they want. Now, I know it can be tough and hurtful toward us Kristen fans (we all know she's my girl) but there's no way I can tell them to stop writing. Sorry hon, if it bothers you, just write back!

Dear Ted:
I just saw Couples Retreat and adore Kristen Davis. She looks fantastic and seems so sweet. Any idea why she's not married/linked to anyone? Is she as sweet as she seems?
Shelby, EDH, CA.

Dear Davis Sweetie:
KD is a sweetheart, and she's had BFs in the past, but guess she's just focusing on her career. She deserves someone great, though. By the way, kind as she is, it's no secret Davis is the most steely of all the Sex gals.

Dear Ted:
Not that into Twilight but I think I have the cast pairings figured out. Robsten—the real deal obviously they are serious. Rob/Nikki Reed—exes and one of them is bitter. Ashley Greene/Kellan Lutz—friends only. And Ashley/Jackson Rathbone—kinda scream friends with benefits to me, their interactions and that kiss in Glam UK seem to show they've been together several times. I work with body language. Am I good?

Dear Cupid:
Too good.

Dear Ted:
Are Zac Efron and Ashley Tisdale having an affair?

Dear Incestual Musical:
I wish. I like her better than Hudgens. But no.

Dear Ted:
Was wondering, does Angelina keep having/adopting kids to make it impossible for Brad to just walk away? Having enough money to support a colony will never be an issue for them. But they're working parents and wonder how they find the time and energy to provide 6 kids with what they need emotionally and socially (school, friends?) with the constant zipping around the world.

Dear Soccer Mom:
That's an interesting thought, which I wouldn't be surprise if it were true. But there's no way we can ever find out, right? Plus, I don't think Brad's the problem here.

Dear Ted:
Did you ever find out who that mystery man Jennifer Aniston was caught with earlier this year in the parking garage at the Chateau Marmont? You know, the dude wearing the makeup. Whatever happened with that? Thanks.

Dear Vintage Love:
Jen goes through men almost like Angie does—that guy doesn't matter. Aniston just does it in a seemingly classy way.


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