Jon Gosselin Pretends to Clean Up His Act

Second best father of the year (Michael Lohan is first, duh) J.Goss releases a Funny or Die video that just makes him look worse

By Jennifer Cady Nov 11, 2009 5:36 PMTags

Jon Gosselin now believes he's a big enough celebrity to do one of those self-referential Funny or Die videos where famous people make fun of themselves and then we think they're cool for a few minutes. (See: Lindsay Lohan's eHarmony one or Paris Hilton's presidential campaign.)

It's all about what he can do to erase the mistakes he's made over the past year. Simple things like: get rid of those earrings, ditch the Ed Hardy, stop going to clubs, don't hang out with the paparazzi and delete Michael Lohan from his phone.

This is all stuff he should actually do, too. In real life. Not in a fake Internet video. So watching him pretend to stop being douchey when he's still being douchey just makes him more douchey.

Also, he probably should have just posted this on YouTube rather than asking people to vote whether he's funny or should die. That's just asking for trouble.


Now, to cleanse your palate, check out Taylor Swift doing her cute, sincere thing in our Big Pic gallery.

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