Link Party: Jessica Simpson Wants a "Spiritual, Intellectual, Artistic, Confidant Man"

Today's not so much a pity party for the the unlucky in love reality star, it's more like matchmaker Link Party!

By Jennifer Cady Oct 29, 2009 10:12 PMTags

Extra was kind enough to put together a free personal ad for Jessica Simpson. This is what she's looking for: "I definitely love a spiritual man...I can bore out pretty easily, so I love intellectual artistic men...I like a confidant man."

For all your Halloween preparations, Kim Kardashian is offering up photos from years past, and the Real Housewives of New Jersey tortured their children to bring you these ideas.

Yeah, we may all want to see Kanye get slapped for real, but for now we'll just have to make do with a fake one.

Last time we checked in on Levi Johnston's Playgirl shoot, there was only a 90 percent chance it would involve full-frontal shots. Well, we can now bump that up to a solid 100 percent chance of wang. Don't worry, it will be "tastefully" done.

This crazy Miley fan blogged that they'll kill their cat Fuzzy if Miley doesn't rejoin Twitter. What's with Miley and all the crazy fans?


Madonna's still in Malawi saving lives and opening schools, check her out in our Big Pic.

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