Madonna & Lady Gaga Duke It Out in What We're Calling the Lamest SNL Sketch Ever

Pop's reigning queen and the Queen of Pop try their best to be funny on Saturday Night Live

By Megan Masters Oct 04, 2009 3:54 PMTags

Seriously, Saturday Night Live?

After waiting all night for musical guest Lady Gaga to pop up in some outrageous sketch and poke fun at the headline grabbing Kanye West (it should have been inevitable, right?), SNL decided to insert the pantsless performer into Deep House Dish, a recurring bit that never receives more than a chuckle from viewers—audience members included!

To spice things up, Lady G was joined onstage by none other than surprise superstar, Madonna and unfortunately, herein lies the problem.

The Gaga-Madonna pairup should have been epic and stolen the show from funnyman host Ryan Reynolds, but the duo simply paraded around the stage looking uncharacteristically hot in some bondage-esque get ups and engaged in a fake "who's the true Queen on Pop" smackdown. Spoiler alert? Neither of them won and they ended up using the old "Madonna kisses a girl" go-to.

Our fix? Madonna and Lady Gaga perform one of their musical superhits together, and somewhere in the mix Kanye get mocked. Just a little bit.

The hands down highlight of the show was Scarlett Johansson joining her hubby onstage—and not just because these two are rarely seen together. ScarJo revived her 2007 SNL viral video sensation as the Jersey girl in her dad's infomercials. And this time she's selling porcelain fountains.


We couldn't be happier that Scarlett and Ryan aren't a part of these big celebrity splits.

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