Susan Boyle Already Bigger Than Whitney Houston, New Moon & the Beatles

Her debut album isn't due until the end of November, but the Britain's Got Talent superstar has taken a very early lead on's bestseller list

By Breanne L. Heldman Sep 04, 2009 2:45 PMTags
Susan BoyleFame Pictures, Inc

Whitney Houston, The Beatles and Jay-Z ought to step aside. Susan Boyle is the new queen bee of the album charts.

Too bad no one will get to hear her record until Nov. 24.

Britain's Got Talent's undeniable breakout star—whether she won the grand prize or not—is nearly three months from the release of her debut album, yet, thanks to presales, stands at the very top of's bestseller list.

Houston's comeback album, reissues of the Fab Four's classics, Jay-Z's Blueprint 3 and even the soundtrack for New Moon are eating her dust.

Talk about dreaming a dream!


It's hard to believe that even performing on Good Morning America or taking long walks with Oprah aren't enough to be a chart-topper.

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