Chris Brown Breaks Silence on Rihanna Assault: "That's Not Who I Pride Myself on Being"

Footage from R&B star's first interview on incident with Larry King makes its way online; Brown says he was shocked by his behavior

By Gina Serpe Aug 31, 2009 2:15 PMTags

If you think Chris Brown's fans were floored when they heard about his assault of Rihanna, well, their shock had nothing on the R&B star's.

That is, if his first interview about the incident, set to air on Larry King Live's hallowed, softball-lined halls Wednesday, is to be believed.

A short (and we mean short) portion of Brown's interview with the suspender king, recorded at CNN's Hollywood HQ last Wednesday, was released online this morning in which Brown, flanked by his contrite and supportive mother Joyce Hawkins and attorney Mark Geragos, revealed that he had no recollection of the bloody altercation earlier this year.

"No, I don't," he said when asked whether he remembers beating up his superstar ex-girlfriend. "It's like, it's crazy to me, I'm like, wow."

As it happens, "wow" appeared to be Brown's refrain of choice during the interview.

"I just look at it like, wow, I'm in shock cause, first of all, that's not who I am as a person," Brown said when asked what he thinks when he hears the gory details of the police report taken on the scene last February. "And that's not who I pride myself on being.

"When I look at like the police reports or I hear about the police reports, I don't know what to think. I just don't know what to think. It's just like, wow."

Wow, indeed. Clearly, he's a man of few words. Here's hoping one of them is "sorry."

The rest of Brown's conciliatory musings can be seen in full on Wednesday night.


Feeling nostalgic? Check out the way they were in our Rihanna & Chris Brown: A Look Back gallery.

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