Ben Stiller Is Stealing Ashton Kutcher's Job as Unofficial Twitter Spokesman

The comedian has learned to Tweet and is now making videos with Ryan Seacrest for more followers

By Jennifer Cady Aug 25, 2009 7:30 PMTags

Ever since Ashton Kutcher's initial Twitter enthusiasm back whenever that was, things have sort of died down for the microblogging site's unofficial ambassador. Gone are the epic speeches on the power of social media and pointless follow wars. Now it's just @replies and fantasy football.

This has left room for Ben Stiller to sweep in and attempt to steal the highly coveted Unoffical Twitter Spokesman title. The Night at the Museum 2 actor just discovered this Twitter and Facebook stuff and wants in—for now at least, until it gets boring. Even Oprah's over it.

But he's trying to make it work, so no need for us to get all negative about it. Look, he's even making videos promoting his Twitter. The one above stars our own pride and joy Ryan Seacrest. It's kinda cute, right? Ryan has so many jobs! LOL.

And last week, Ben tried to explain Twitter to Mickey Rooney, but you know how it goes with old people...

So there you have it. @RedHourBen is the new @aplusk. Everyone tell your Internet friends.


Usually famous people use Twitter to alert us all of their workout schedule, but sometimes they show us a glimpse of their lives which you can peruse now in our Tweet Peeks gallery.

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