Breaking Chains: One Woman's Journey to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Janna Johnson, author of Unf*ck Your Mind: Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs to Become Who You Were Meant to Be, shares her personal journey of resilience and self-discovery.

By Tom White with APG Apr 19, 2024 11:30 AMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency Janna JohnsonJanna Johnson


In the journey of life, many of us find ourselves hindered by limiting beliefs that shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us. These beliefs, often formed in childhood and reinforced through our experiences, hold us back from realizing our true potential. But the path to liberation begins with recognizing these constraints and shattering them one by one.

For one individual, the journey of "unf*cking her mind" — as she aptly put it — began with confronting the deeply ingrained beliefs that had governed her life for far too long. Growing up in an environment where criticism and judgment were commonplace, Janna Johnson internalized feelings of never being good enough. These beliefs manifested in various ways, from struggling with eating disorders at a young age to enduring the challenges of chronic illness later in life.

Janna's upbringing was marked by relentless criticism, comparison, judging and negativity. She constantly witnessed the criticism of her mother's weight and what she was eating, fostering in her a damaging association between weight and self-worth. This toxic mindset led to an eating disorder at the young age of 11.

"Growing up and feeling that was rough and no kid should feel that way, period," she reflects. "The consequences of those limiting beliefs led to horrible relationships, and just me making wrong choices because I was constantly trying to fill these voids with quicksand, which is impossible."

That led to Janna's journey of grappling with even more adversity. After getting married, the joy of pregnancy was accompanied by unwelcome companions — anxiety and depression. Then shortly after, she shares her "life fell apart."

"It took a year and a half and 14 doctors to figure out that I had, at that point, chronic Lyme disease, hypothyroidism, major gut issues, and a ton of stuff in my body that was not functioning properly," she says. The discovery of her debilitating health conditions cast a shadow over her life, plunging Janna into a darkness she had never known before.

In the depths of her despair, Janna found herself teetering on the edge of oblivion. The pain, both physical and emotional, became unbearable, suffocating her sense of hope and purpose. It was during this harrowing time that she reached her rock bottom, contemplating the unthinkable — ending her own life.

"I couldn't live in the pain anymore," she confides, her voice tinged with a raw vulnerability. "I couldn't remember my kids' names or how to get home. That was the day, a pivotal moment where I decided to believe differently. I decided to believe that maybe I could get well."

It wasn't until Janna reached a breaking point that she made a pivotal decision. She chose to believe that healing was possible, despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her. And in that moment of radical self-acceptance and defiance against their circumstances, she embarked on a journey of transformation.

"That day, I decided to believe that I could get well," she shares. "It took me a few years to realize this, but when I changed the way I thought, it also changed the actions I took and I ended up healing myself 100%."

Fascinated by her body's ability to heal, Johnson took it upon herself to learn more about gut health, which led her to become a holistic nutritionist. Years later, she would once again face the unthinkable, that led her to becoming a mindset coach.

"Having Lyme disease was the first major adversity I had overcome and the first catalyst in my discovery of the power of my thoughts. I had overcome the impossible, but there was a final catalyst, even more painful than Lyme, that ignited my fire to shatter my limiting beliefs and heal my mindset. After 14 years of marriage and three beautiful kids, the unthinkable happened. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. The ultimate betrayal, earth shattering heartbreak, and tumultuous divorce that brought me to my knees and reinvention of myself."

Today, she is a best-selling author, mindset coach, inspirational speaker and podcast host. "My saying is, heal your gut, heal your brain; heal your body, heal your mind, and heal your life," she says.

However, the road to healing for Janna was not linear or easy. It involved confronting deep-seated traumas, navigating through the complexities of chronic illness, and facing the heartbreak of betrayal and divorce. Each setback became an opportunity for growth, a chance to challenge the limiting beliefs that had held her captive for so long.

Janna Johnson

"That's my truth. That's what I've overcome and I believe that if I can teach other people that right there, those are the keys to freedom, it can help them overcome similar things," she says.

Through perseverance and a commitment to self-discovery, Janna gradually dismantled the barriers that had once confined her. She embraced vulnerability, sharing her struggles with eating disorders, abusive relationships, and mental health challenges with unwavering honesty. In doing so, she found an inner strength she didn't know she had.

The turning point came when she realized that healing was not about erasing the past or escaping from her problems, but about reclaiming power over her own narrative. She learned to embrace the lessons of her past without allowing them to define her future.

Today, Janna stands as living proof that overcoming limiting beliefs is possible. She has not only healed herself but has also dedicated her life to helping others break free from the chains of self-doubt and insecurity that often hold people back.

In the end, it's not about the challenges we face or the scars we bear, but about the courage to rise above our circumstances and rewrite the script of our lives. It's about recognizing that within every obstacle lies an opportunity for growth and within every setback lies the seed of resilience. Most importantly, it's about realizing that the only limits that exist are the ones we impose upon ourselves.

To learn more about Janna Johnson's inspiring story, read her book Unf*ck Your Mind: Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs to Become Who You Were Meant to Be.

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