How Zack Teperman Has Innovated the PR Industry and Helped Celebs & Brands Scale Into the Millions

"You can have the best talent, product or service, but if nobody knows about you or it, is it really the best?!" —Zack Teperman, ZTPR

By Sarah Berman with NewsAgent Dec 01, 2023 2:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency ZTPR 7ZTPR


In the dynamic world of public relations beyond just the stars here in Hollywood, Zack Teperman has emerged as a trailblazer in formulating innovative strategies to build robust connections between people, brands and all types of individuals and their target audiences. As one of North America's top-tier public relations executives, Teperman has a profound understanding of audience expansion, strengthening brand visibility, and developing effective marketing campaigns that are outside-of-the-box and very effective.

Over his esteemed career, he has masterfully harnessed the power of PR to strategically shape and maintain a favorable public image for businesses, celebrities, athletes, musicians and people in all sorts of professions, helping many to scale into the seven-, eight- and nine-figure categories.


Who is Zack Teperman?

Publicists used to hide in the shadows wearing all black, never to be seen and only commenting publicly in the matter of a crisis. Well, gone are those days. Seen always branding his company ZTPR gear, Teperman's mindset of "always be branding" only touches the surface of where his mind actually goes when it comes to creative and innovative thinking.

Some would say that Teperman is a master at being able to shift the tides in publicity and branding. Every industry, whether it be entertainment, business or even politics, are a behemoth of its own, but nestled within each are different realms, each packing their unique blend of creativity, challenge, and drive.

He has in the past and presently worked with and/or helped handle deals for thought-leaders like Deepak Chopra & Teal Swan, athletes like Rob Gronkowski, Floyd Mayweather and Chuck Liddell, companies invested into by Shark Tank's Mark Cuban, and alongside reality personalities from both Jersey Shore and The Bachelor franchises like Carly Waddell and Jason Tartick, along with other stars such as Logan Paul, Taylor Hicks, Steve-O, Michael Fishman, Marisol Nichols, Martin Sheen, Richard Grieco, Megan Fox, and members from big music groups like Cheat Codes, Parmalee, Guns N' Roses and Limp Bizkit; These are just a few of thousands of clients he has helped throughout his years in PR.

But to rewind, Teperman started his career on the other side of the media aisle, working as an on-air radio DJ and entertainment reporter on the red carpet, interviewing some of the people he now represents. Originally from Toronto, Canada, and now splitting his time between Los Angeles and Nashville, Teperman studied marketing and broadcasting at Seneca College. Upon graduating, he worked across the country from Miami to Yellowknife to Toronto at such radio stations as the Fan 590, KISS FM, Y100 and Mix100. After leaving radio under the guidance of a PR mentor and clients such as actor Martin Sheen, Teperman focused his expertise on helping other celebrity friends of his, while helping lead many Canadian and American high-profile campaigns.


In 2014, after working with another firm for the likes of Glee's Naya Rivera and other big stars, he finally branched out on his own and opened up ZTPR, with the idea of not only servicing a couple types of clients (or those that were already famous), but looking at being one of the first agencies to service people in all walks of life — big or small— and no matter where they were based. This original concept of bringing all types of clients together under one roof, where each could also help one another like a family rather than each trying to just get singular attention, is what broke ZTPR out from behind the shadows and into the limelight, turning Teperman into a titan in the PR field.

Since then, Teperman has gained a reputation for creativity, innovation and direct, meaningful engagement, while maintaining a "no BS" approach with his clients. His outside-of-the-box ideas have also helped many who have worked with him grow their brands or profiles at rapid speeds, and increase their own personal net worths. With clients ranging from entertainers, entrepreneurs, doctors, authors to tech startups and restaurants, Teperman's portfolio is as diverse as his wealth of experience. Venturing away from conventional PR norms, Teperman is known for his creative campaigns that not only inject a fresh perspective into his clients' brand identities but also extend into philanthropy and social causes. His campaigns aren't just about profit margins, but also about driving conversation and inciting positive action in the wider community. This distinct approach illustrates a masterful understanding of the evolving PR scene, highlighting a keen ability to weave brand/people's values into broader social discussions.

Teperman also recently partnered up with clients/friends Mark Cuban, David Meltzer and Jordan Belfort aka The Wolf of Wall Street, to release a now award-winning book titled Enough of the Bull$hit, which is a quick guide for individuals wanting to learn how to get their names out there quickly.


A best-seller under his belt, coupled with a robust and expansive professional network, overall solidifies his position as a top-tier PR professional today. But Teperman wanted to prove this position by proving recently that his ideas could even make him a chart-topping singer...even though he can't sing. Teperman set out a fun plan with a song he recorded titled "Waves," and within a month of its release, it was atop the charts in the U.K., USA, South Africa and Canada, while also performing the song on top television shows. How? Creative and outside-of-the-box strategies that allowed Teperman to find a way to cut through the music industry noise and garner attention on what he was putting out there.

He has since retired from his short-lived singing career as his alter-ego Chezney McGoat (moving on to working with real, full-time musicians like country superstar Niko Moon and others), but has proven that even without full talent (in Teperman's singing case), the right campaign can make anyone famous, go viral and have success.


Teperman's ingenuity in harmonizing traditional and digital media marketing strategies creates powerful, far-reaching campaigns that not only build people and brands but also establish strong customer/fan relationships, and his mastery of networking and public relations doubles as a significant tool in expanding visibility and profitability for his clients. And while some cannot afford his services, Teperman has even changed the PR media game by creating a platform where anyone on any budget can get media exposure at the click of a button, something even massive PR agencies in Hollywood and around the globe secretly use behind the scenes through Teperman's network and connections, yet charge back their clients double/triple for.

A father, an entrepreneur, an innovator, a speaker and investor in many things, Teperman wears many hats, but lives each day doing what he loves, while building his PR family of clients and friends into profits that far succeed any original goals they may have had.


The Fundamental Role of PR

If nobody knows about you or what you are selling, then most likely it isn't going to succeed and be profitable. That is the motto Teperman and other PR professionals (usually) follow. Additionally, public relations, at its root, hinges on cultivating and maintaining a favorable image in public spectatorship. A quintessential component of company/personal brand strategy, effective public relations can propel an actor, singer, professionals in all industries and/or corporation's reputation, bolster customer/fan/audience loyalty, and in essence, fuel its bottom line or create new revenue streams.

To measure the importance of public relations, one need look no further than the monumental effects a PR agency can have on their client's brand. A PR magnate such as Teperman knows the power of a person and brand's narrative. By diving in and then weaving a compelling and authentic story, they not only humanize the person/organization but also anchor them in public sentiment and consumer/fan trust. This potent blend of storytelling and erudition into market trends helps shape the public's perception and builds a solid, unwavering brand identity.


Just think about the people you follow. Once you feel connected to them, you will continue to follow and whether consciously or subconsciously, be influenced by the content or media they showcase to you. As witnessed in Teperman's work, an intriguing "personal brand" story strikes chords — forming an emotional connection that hooks in audiences and leaves a lasting impression. The power of storytelling in PR transcends beyond advertising a product, song, movie or service. It helps shape the identity, and when done right, becomes the conversion force that drives growth, which usually equals money.

In today's digitized world, the scope of PR spills beyond the traditional boundaries. Agencies like ZTPR flawlessly integrate digital media strategies, amplifying their reach and frequency to keep pace with an increasingly digital consumer base. The result is refined, cutting-edge campaigns that encompass a broad spectrum of advertising platforms, and at many times merging marketing, PR and advertising altogether.

Moreover, public relations is a lighthouse in the storm of crises. When a person or brand's reputation is under scrutiny, a smart PR strategy can navigate through the chaos and redirect attention towards the positive values and strengths. Here, too, Teperman's prowess shines, demonstrating how his tactical responses and meticulous planning can thwart potential crises, preserving and oftentimes enhancing the client's public image.


The value of public relations also lies in its ability to impact society as a whole. Teperman and his team at ZTPR's innovative campaigns reach beyond the realm of business, ingeniously tying in philanthropy and social causes. An example is Teperman's recent ability to bring together actress Megan Fox and an entrepreneur/U.S. Army Veteran on a campaign that helped raise not only millions of dollars in products to give back to those in need, but landed the entrepreneur and his company on numerous media outlets that further elevated that brand and helped them scale even more (reaching the $100 million mark according to a ZTPR client testimonial video).

So, should a business or entertainer, or even a doctor invest in public relations? Given the myriad benefits and unparalleled opportunities for growth and positive engagement, along with increasing traffic, the question people should be asking is, can they afford not to?


Strategies for Successful PR & Market Expansion

Teperman has already taken his own advice and expanded his market reach, branching off into even more divisions since when he first started; ZTPR now offers PR services with pets/animal-related companies, dental professionals, reality stars, influencers, private aviation, baby products, plastic surgeons, streaming services, beverages, crypto and more alongside his already established client list

And while Teperman understands the need for successful expansion when the timing is right, when one scrutinizes the vastly successful campaign trail his team and him do, several key tactics that contribute to his effective PR and vast market base enlargement come into sharp focus. Incorporating these methods, Teperman has transformed the face of PR and how PR should operate these days, and here's how.

Cultivating and maintaining a favorable image is pivotal in public relations, while expanding into new markets and targeting niche media is important for growth. Teperman excels in laying the groundwork for client visibility and then reinforcing that image in various demographics with strategically disseminated messaging. His PR strategies prevent the dilution of a client's image, a technique that serves as an agency powerhouse in carving a recognizable brand.


Teperman's approach to PR underscores the outstanding effects a well-managed agency can have on a brand. Using carefully designed strategies and niche media placements (instead of just big, popular logo-centric media outlets), ZTPR maintains the client's reputation, seamlessly managing audience perception and stimulating brand growth. Storytelling is a gem in the field of public relations due to its compelling persuasive power. Coupled with innovative representation techniques, Teperman makes the most out of person or brands' narratives, fostering emotional links between the consumer, the product/service or item needing attention, and its projected image.

Within traditional PR methodologies, Teperman innovatively intertwines his creative thoughts to follow evolving trends in communication. These strategies offer an extended reach globally, broadened audience interaction, and conversation feedback that fuels the adaptability and growth of whoever he is working with. Just think about what you would stop and read or focus on while scrolling online...It is this thought that allows his team to brainstorm strategies and tools for placements that are unlike traditional media or PR firms, allowing even his own thoughts and strategies to evolve as times change.



Ultimately, Zack Teperman's compelling journey as a publicist and president currently at ZTPR outlines the power of effective communication, understanding audience dynamics, and strategic marketing — while taking it up a notch to do things nobody else is doing so that everyone is paying attention.

His keen insight into PR's crucial role in establishing a person or brand's reputation and managing crises underlines its fundamental relevance in today's fast-paced, and ever-changing world. Market expansion, when approached with astute foresight and strategy, can yield immense benefits, and Teperman's methodology reflects this as his clients have generated fortunes based on his advice alone. The blend of innovative PR strategies and effective techniques serves as a beacon for everyone looking to broaden their reach, realize substantial growth, and build enduring relationships with their audiences and/or fanbases.

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