Avenge Creative: Where Simple Ideas Bloom Into Showstopping Experiences

Avenge Creative brings transformative magic to the entertainment arena, proving that they are not just another agency, but a revolution in the making.

By Tom White with APG Oct 26, 2023 12:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency Eric TrembleAPG


Isn't it fascinating when the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary? When a simple idea evolves into a masterpiece? This transformative magic is what Avenge Creative brings to the entertainment arena, proving that they are not just another agency, but a revolution in the making.

"Making. Sh*t. Happen." It might seem like a casual statement, but for Avenge Creative, it's a philosophy. At the core of it all is the desire to create experiences that aren't just temporary memories but deep-seated impressions that stay with audiences forever. From executing worldwide marketing stunts to designing the next blockbuster red carpet premiere, Avenge Creative has firmly anchored itself as a game-changer in the entertainment industry.

Delving deeper into the genesis of Avenge Creative, Eric Tremble's journey is an embodiment of resilience and passion. Growing up assisting his parents in their restaurant and even throwing large events in high school using his dad's equipment, Eric was already showing signs of a master event organizer. His dedication took him to Beijing, where he was part of the team managing food services at the Olympics, a monumental leap from catering local events with his family. These experiences, from handling catering at grassroots events to managing vast operations on the world stage, are part of the DNA of Avenge Creative, ensuring every project has a touch of personal dedication and global expertise.

A quick look at their portfolio, and you'd be hard-pressed not to be impressed. They aren't just about premieres; they venture into creating shows, stunts, and most pivotally, transformative marketing campaigns. Whether it's producing the viral Megan Doll stunt that danced atop the Empire State Building and graced The Tonight Show, transforming the Four Seasons Hotel Beverly Hills' 14th floor into the iconic Barbie Hotel, or launching the vintage-inspired La Cage! Live at the Hollywood Roosevelt, Avenge Creative's ingenuity is consistently showstopping.

Based out of Los Angeles, they might identify as a small agency, but their impact is anything but. Their expansive range of services, from event management, full-service technical management, location scouting, public relations, talent management, to even virtual event production, underlines their holistic approach to crafting events. They're not just organizing an event; they're sculpting an experience, ensuring every detail resonates with the intended message and leaves an indelible mark.

Eric's wisdom shines through in the company's ethos. "Surround yourself with brilliant and creative minds," he advises. It's evident that Eric doesn't just preach; he practices. His focus on team synergy, collaboration, and the core belief that when you surround yourself with passionate people, you're bound to level up, drives Avenge Creative's successes. Their human-centric approach, free of ego and infused with gratitude, lays the groundwork for their consistent achievements.

The future for Avenge Creative? Limitless. With aspirations to contribute to events like the Los Angeles Olympics and dreams of possibly organizing a unique music festival on an island, they are just getting started.

Avenge Creative is not just in the business of events; they're in the business of memories, of moments, of magic. In a world where moments are fleeting, they ensure they last a lifetime.

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