Bitch-Back! Say It Ain't So, Nick and Miley Dunzo?

Romantic updates on Miley Cyrus and George Clooney

By Ted Casablanca Jul 31, 2009 2:28 PMTags
Nick Jonas, Miley CyrusBTF/SC/Flynet

Dear Ted:
Just heard Miley Cyrus might have gotten back together with that 20something fame whore! I was really rooting for Nick and Miley, please tell me this is not true.

Dear Niley 4eva:
I can't keep track at who's doing (or not doing) who these days. But Justin Gatson is so girlie! There's no way he's it for Smiley Miley. Nick will be back in the picture before ya know it. 

Dear Ted:
I see a new Twilight love triangle brewing. Could someone come in between Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone? How about Bryce Dallas Howard? Bryce has signed on for the third Twilight movie about to start filming. In an interview with Seventeen Jackson said she is his celebrity crush. I'm starting to see the sparks flying! Will the jealousy be enough to make Ashley show some interest? I hope so. I'd love to see Ash and Jacks together.

Dear Fire With Fire:
Absolutely. Count on Bryce to stir the sex-pot up in Vancouver as much as Nikki Reed will. I foresee a new BFF pair! 

Dear Ted:
Are you prude or something? I didn't like the way you talked the other day about Twilight fanfics. I will give you a quick advice: stay away from the Supernatural fandom. Wincest (Sam/Dean) and J2 (Jared/Jensen) fanfictions are way more subversive, violent and kinky than any Twilight fanfiction. They are all over Livejournal and no one complained about them. The writers included them in one episode of season 4 of Supernatural. But I guess all these people are just crazy deviant pervs to you since they enjoy reading hot steamy gay sex between two fictional brothers or between two real actors.
Angry fanfic writer

Dear Whoa There:
I didn't rag on the fanfic, just the whole "it's okay for Rob to rape someone" thing didn't sit too well for me. So sorry I'm against sexual assault, it makes me super-prude, I know. Even though it was a fan in the crowd, how can you tell me that's not crazy? 

Dear Ted:
I am not defending Chris Brown (ick), but I do think we all need to acknowledge an obvious part of this matter: the fact that Rihanna did not want him to go to jail. They got back together right after it happened, and who knows if they are together now, but it has always been obvious that she never wanted him to be punished (for whatever pathetic reason). I know we all wish she would have taken the opportunity to be a role model and speak out against violence, but that looks more and more unlikely. It's so sad. In the meantime, how about you keep an anti-Chris platform on the backburner? Say he releases an album at some point...pick an artist who has the same release date and we all buy their album instead...hit him where it hurts: the wallet! (although I'd rather hit him somewhere else...) Love u!

Dear Second Time Shame On You:
Totally with you. I think RiRi had the perf opportunity to align herself with a great cause and she totally missed it. Not saying she had to relive the tragic night for all of us, but staying silent is causing more pain for the non-famous women who don't have the media to pressure their abusers to justice. 

Dear Ted:
Must have missed it yesterday and I'm not even sure how, but I love the article on Alexander Skarsgard! I think he is so hot, and I love him in True Blood. I have just one small complaint and I know this won't go over well with many of your readers but I think he's much better than Robert Pattinson. Don't get me wrong I really like Robert Pattinson but there is something about Alexander Skarsgard, maybe it's his eyes, maybe not who really cares when it comes down to it!

Dear True Love:
How about Alexander for lust, Rob for love? I wouldn't kick either out of bed. 

Dear Ted:
Oh, for f—k's sake, Ted! You have infinite space available to you on your first page—why can't you just post the whole frigging articles there? Figure out your 'hit' counts some other way, and for stop biting the hands that feed you by continuing to split all of your articles by a jump. Aren't you a web surfer yourself? Would it not annoy you to have to constantly wait for second pages to load so you can read one frigging article? Come ON. You will harm nothing and satisfy many if you stop with this annoying, unnecessary, fan-flip-off crap. Please. You're killing me.

Dear Posting Perfect:
Looks like the suspense-jump totally captivates readers like you! Awesome, thanks, that's just was I was going for. 

Dear Ted:
In my mind, if K.Stew ends up flying to the UK, it will be just as telling as a picture of them doing the nasty. Will shooting on The Runaways and RM end soon? Are the schedules of both Rob and stew going to be open at the same time, or at least long enough for a trip over the big blue sea?

Dear Timing's Everything:
It changes every damn day, but from what I've heard they should both finish up next week. As for K's travel plans, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? Identical bracelets and fingers crossed, eh?

Dear Ted:
So I just viewed the latest pics of George Clooney's 22 yr old conquest. He's had so many of these flings with 22 yr old cocktail waitress/actress wannabees/never gonnabee types. Doesn't he ever get tired of it? Or is the constant stream of young girls a cover for something else? Does George have anything in common with John Mayer (i.e. not exactly on the straight and narrow)?

Dear Clooney Creepster:
Do you really think I can answer that?

Dear Ted:
Don't get me wrong, I love Kristen Stewart. But why is it she always looks as if she smells something bad, and that the bad smell is herself? She's all the time scratching like a crack head on interviews and answering questions like she's doing the thorazine shuffle? Love her but...not sexy. Can't someone give her a mirror or something? Or is she on something for real?

Dear Too Close To Home:
Her awkward charm landed R.Pattz and all. Maybe we should all ask her for tips?

Dear Ted:
Your comment about Brang's twins got me thinking. Courtney Cox's old show, Dirt, dealt with a few story lines that were pretty close to reality, and also one where a starlet pretended to be preggo, wore a fake belly and all, and had a surrogate have her baby. Does anything like this actually happen in H-wood? Love to you and the family about Butch.

Dear Duh:
You must be a new reader. Check our archives for the chick you're looking for. Thanks for the Butch, love, too! He says me-ow from kitty heaven.

Dear Ted:
I am a movie buff, and I'd like to know your thoughts on what movies may be Oscar or Golden Globe material. Lately I don't think I have seen anything that has a wow! Factor to it that makes me think is gonna get a nomination... Inglorious Basterds maybe? (I am from Mexico and I don't know when it will hit theatres down here). What are your predictions for this year? Your column makes my morning coffee taste so much better! Thnx! PS. I hope New Moon gets a better screen adaptation that Twilight did.

Dear Too Soon To Tell:
Are the seasons mixed up in Mexico dear? The summer flicks are all about making money, not showcasing acting. Wait until October hits then you'll get your Oscar films. Public Enemies might be an exception for Depp.

Dear Ted:
Why Rachelle? Maybe this is the only way they could get Ron Howard to direct Breaking Dawn?
CBS Weeks

Dear Sneak Attack:
Love where you're conniving mind is at. You must work in the business.  

Dear Ted:
Nothing against Bryce but it appears that Summit completely screwed Rachelle Lafevre. I guess they are thinking there isn't much different between the fiery red heads. Is there nothing fans can do? Couldn't the cast pull a Friends and unite for contract negotiations? There seems to be a lot of love between them... or maybe everything isn't what it seems?

Dear Wishful Thinking:
As of now you have as much of a chance of RL coming back than you do at Robsten selling a sex tape. Execs are not pleased with how RL handled things. Plus, the cast wants their paycheck, don't think any of them are close enough to Rachelle to hold out. After all, only Rob and Kristen would have that kinda power in the first place. 

Dear Ted:
Is Nevis Divine Ed Westwick? I think I read something about Nevis Divine being a bit hairy, and, well, I think we all saw the Rolling Stone pictures.

Dear Right Track:
Wrong mate. 

Dear Ted:
So enjoy your Robsten stuff and other "juicy" gossip as well. We so called "regs" get the picture that Robsten are very together but not engaged. We totally understand that they are very young and do not want to be "labeled" in any way. We get it, we at first misread you, so please forgive (mea culpa), and you can let it go and not bring it up every week now! We get it! Heart you!
From One of the "regs" 

Dear Confused:
So…you want me to stop all Robsten items? Start a petition. And I so heart you back! 

Dear Ted:
Watched Valley of the Dolls last night with your and Barbara Parkin's commentary...I laughed until I cried! Brilliant ! Especially your thought as casting Courtney Love in the new version. I read Jacqueline Susann's bio when it came out years ago—it covers a lot about the making of the movie and the decisions that they made. It was a blast to watch it with the commentary, I hope you do another one soon.
Tamara, Chicago 

Dear Doll:
Anytime, and thanks, babe, appreciate it. Barbara's the best.

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