See Giuliana & Bill's New Show, Plus Welcome to The Lamas Life

CEG introduces a slate of new fall shows including the adorable Two Months, $2 Million

By Jennifer Godwin Jul 30, 2009 9:31 PMTags

Our very own Comcast Entertainment Group (E!, Style and G4) presented at the Television Critics Association summer press tour this morning and showed off the stars of three new shows, Giuliana & Bill, a celebrity relationship series on Style; The Lamas Life, a celebrity family drama on E!; and Two Months, $2 Million, a new G4 series about young poker players reaping millions online and at the Vegas poker tables.

Here are the highlights from each:

Giuliana & Bill
Wed., Aug 5 at 9 p.m. (Style Network)
What It Is: As you can see in the sneak peek above, Giuliana & Bill is a 10-ep series about the marriage of E! News host Giuliana Rancic (née DePandi) and one-time Apprentice Bill Rancic trying to figure out how to be newlyweds. What's the hitch? She lives/works in Los Angeles; he lives/works in Chicago—they fly back and forth trying to marry a jet-set lifestyle with domestic bliss. Can they do it? Tune in to find out.
Notable Quote: "I cut him off...I'm sitting here trying not cut him off right now. I'm like the most annoying person! If I didn't have the show, I'd have never known. Now I apologize to my family for being annoying." —Giuliana Rancic

The Lamas Life
Premieres: October (E!)
What It Is: In The Lamas Life, the Lamas clan (founded by midcentury playah Fernando Lamas and continued by Renegade star Lorenzo Lamas and now Bachelor bait Shayne Lamas) takes to television to sort out their problems. What kind of problems, you ask? Well, according to Star magazine, Lorenzo's fourth wife, Shauna Sand, allegedly slept with A.J. Lamas, Lorenzo's son by his third wife, Michelle Smith. There was much talk on the panel that Lorenzo and A.J. have not spoken for years, and the show will attempt to reunite the estranged father and son.
Notable Quote: "People ask me, reality shows tear families apart, are you worried that it's going to happen to you? Well, no, because we were already apart." —Shayne Lamas

Two Months, $2 Million
Premieres: Sun., Aug. 16 at 9 p.m. (G4)
What It Is: Adorable. Four twentysomething online poker champs (Brian, Emil, Jay and Dani) move to Vegas for some time at the tables. These kids apparently make beaucoup bucks doing this, and their adventures in the big city look like a lot of fun.
Notable Quote: "Out of the four of us, I probably come from the most conservative background. Both of my parents were born in India, and they're very conservative, typical Indian parents. When my mom found out how much I was winning at poker, her first reaction was, 'Sit down right now and teach dad how to play.' " —Emil

Are you excited to see the Lamas family on TV? Post in the comments!


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