Tami White: "You Can Build a Successful Business and Brand as a Mum"

Influencer Tami White has built a successful makeup brush brand and is the owner of Change Mentor Hub

By Ascend Agency Dec 01, 2022 4:00 PMTags
Tami White


While staying at home with kids is a full-time job on its own, many moms may want to make extra money online or with a home-based business idea. Technology has opened many opportunities for stay-at-home moms and anyone looking to run a business remotely. You can run an enterprise online and enjoy time flexibility to accomplish other responsibilities while the kids are napping or entertaining themselves. Tami White is an entrepreneur who wants to show other women they can build successful businesses and brands while being a mum.

Tami lives a lifestyle that allows her to work around her daughter from anywhere in the world while enjoying life together without the hassle of childcare. She has built a successful makeup brush brand and is the owner of Change Mentor Hub, where she mentors and coaches people on how to build a brand and make working online and around their children possible.

Although some small business owners who are also parents may consider waiting until their children are in school or grown, there are various reasons why you should establish a business while staying home with the kids. These include earning extra income, demonstrating a work ethic to your kids, enjoying a flexible schedule, involving your kids, and doing something for yourself.

"To avoid living off one income and significantly increase your family's resources, stay-at-home mums can build a rewarding business from home or during a partner's off-hours. Your little ones are watching you working on something you love and enjoy from the comfort of your home and may imitate you and create their own career opportunities in the future. This is just a few of the many benefits that come with working stay-at-home mums," Tami says.

The entrepreneur is applauded for landing deals with her makeup brush brand, being a top seller on Amazon.com, and taking members of her community on retreats worldwide to network, share value, and build their business with like-minded people. Nonetheless, her journey was challenging. Tami mentions, "It's so challenging working around a newborn baby when you are tired, but I chose to put in the time because the rewards are evident. I'm happy to have built a life where I can choose anything I want to do that day, and my business ticks over in the background now."

Facing competitor brands trying to take down her business was yet another issue. Still, Tami overcame this by choosing positivity and only putting positivity around her brand, making customers choose her over them.

Based on the current success of her makeup brush brand, Tami wants to branch out into a makeup brand that will rival many Hollywood A-listers' own brands. This makeup brand would be launched alongside her makeup brush kit. She anticipates this product will see her brand catapult into every high street beauty business and be used by influencers, celebrities, and the entertainment industry as a whole.

Tami advises, "Building a real business takes time, but patience and determination will get you through. If you have the passion to build something not just for yourself but your family, then keep pushing and putting in the time, and you will see the results. Again, I believe success is built in the mind, and if you believe you are going to build something that will shape your whole life, then you will achieve it."

As a mom who has managed to build a successful business empire that allows her time and flexibility to be there for her child, Tami wants to continue building her brand and furthering her business endeavors. She would also like to help more people achieve the freedom and success she has built for herself and others.

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