Your November Horoscopes Are Here, Libra

November is all about feeling whatever it is you're feeling—and then giving yourself permission to relax. Celebrity tarot card reader Angie Banicki is here to guide you.

By Natalie Finn, Angie Banicki Nov 03, 2022 11:46 PMTags
Horoscopes: LibraGetty Images; Melissa Herwitt/E! Illustration

Welcome to your November taroscopes from Angie Banicki.

A modern mystic and explorer of the soul, Angie has become Hollywood's go-to tarot card reader, providing divine guidance and unique life-mapping skills for the celebrity set. Along the way, she's opened the minds of even the biggest skeptics with her refreshing, down-to-earth perspective on energy and spirituality.

Angie's signature taroscopes address the mind, body and spirit. Her method (incorporating tarot cards, astrology, channeling and music) goes beyond traditional horoscopes to offer heightened awareness and guidance—both cosmic and practical— for each sign.

So, crank up the songs in your tailored playlist and you'll hear the message you need and wisdom you didn't even realize you were waiting for.

Angie's insight is intended to help inform your thoughts and actions as much as you see fit, so feel free to put aside whatever doesn't call to you. But take notice of what you connect with, embrace what inspires you and let it help guide you along the way. And definitely don't forget to have fun.

Read on for your November taroscope...

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Influence: Six of Pentacles

Music:  "Veridis Quo" by Daft Punk, "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac 

Your true nature is wildness, Libra, so sit with that. There is unbelievably powerful shine trying to permeate your aura now to help you mirror the greatness of others through you. This is the possibility swirling about you, so how will you embody this gift? This may not always appear in the form of leadership or work, but it could. 

What you can trust is your own essence. Think Stevie Nicks. Think Lady Gaga. But also think of YOU at your best, most shining moment where you felt bright and more like YOU than ever before. And remember, no need to dim your shine for others who may be intimidated by your radiance. It's OK to follow your own wild bliss, because the rest will work itself out.

Final Thought: "Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, until the sun goes down. And this is all that life really means." —Robert Louis Stevenson

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