
Trista Sutter Blogs About The Bachelorette: "Filth-of-the-Earth Wes" Is Gone!

In case you missed it, musician Wes Hayden finally admitted the truth about his relationship status

By E! Online Celebrity Blogger, Trista Sutter Jul 07, 2009 8:10 PMTags
Trista SutterHal Horowitz/Getty Images

Original Bachelorette Trista Sutter is putting her reality-TV experience to use for us here at Watch With Kristin by blogging about Jillian Harris' quest for the perfect guy. Here's Trista's take on last night's episode of The Bachelorette...

Last night's Bachelorette was set in Spain, and not that I'm complaining about my once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I do love to travel and have to admit that I felt a tinge of green watching this episode.

Things start off nicely before wrapping up in one of the most shocking revelations to date. Check it out...

Kiptyn starts off the week's dates. Jillian wonders if he is the perfect package and out of her league. Personally, I don't think anyone's out of anyone's league. It's all about chemistry and they've got it, minus all those not-so visually pleasing kisses. But as I've always said, maybe she likes outstretched lips and all the visually pleasing kisses ended up on the cutting room floor.

Their date included holding hands and strolling through Madrid (so romantic), learning to dance Flamenco (so embarrassing) and a yummy escargot (so slimy!) dinner. At dinner, serious conversation sparks and that's a definite necessity. Six weeks is a short amount of time (yes, I do know that, and yes, I am crazy for doing the show, but it worked for me and I have no regrets!), so you have to milk each second for all it's worth.

There were a couple of bad signs on the date, though:
1.  He reminds her of her dad. Ewww.
2.  She rejects the card from host Chris Harrison to "forego their individual rooms and stay in the fantasy suite." When I was in her shoes, that time alone played such a huge part in my personal decision-making process and it had absolutely nothing to do with sleeping with them.

Next up was Reid, who joins Jillian for a picnic in Sevilla. Love his humor. Love his honesty. Love how naturally happy they appear together. At dinner that night, romance and heart-to-hearts were abundant, but yet again she decides against sharing the fantasy suite. She said "next time," which makes me wonder if Jillian is the first in a long line of bachelors or bachelorettes who gets two weeks of suite-sharing opportunities. Bottom line: Reid is right up there with Kiptyn, and if they don't both get chosen, I'll know how truly pathetic my guessing skills are. 

Loving Jillian's outfit for Ed's date. Supercute. Ed doesn't look bad himself! They start out on a carriage ride through Sevilla, then head to an outdoor café for a glass (or five!) of wine, walk through the streets and fountains of Spain and end the day with a breezy dinner.

So glad he realized that he made a mistake. I wonder what the situation at work was, though. Did he lose his job or work so hard that he earned another possible three weeks away? I'm curious, but not because I question his integrity and wonder if he'll do it to her again. He couldn't get her out of his mind back in Chicago, and I always believed that the person you end up with should be someone you can't live without. Does he have to still prove himself? Most definitely. During their daytime date, I think he did that and more, and we only get to see the best parts, in the editor's mind at least! For me, he racked up the points with:

1.  Admitting that he would've taken her to karaoke on his hometown date. That is just so out of left field, but so endearing and makes me love him even more!
2.  All that kissing! Even more points went into his corner because of the incredible show of chemistry as well as the utter lack of awkwardness. When the kissing is that good, it tells you a lot. All I know is it reminded me of my time with Ryan on the couch at the W in Seattle. That was the night I knew I could kiss just him for the rest of my life. Maybe that's what Jillian was thinking!
3.  Great conversation.
4.  A great laugh. 
5.  His infectious smile. I swear he could be a smile or teeth model if there is such a thing!

At dinner, the infamous fantasy suite card is served to them on what looks like a silver platter. How fancy. Jillian stares into Ed's eyes coaxing an answer from him and after he not-so-surprisingly says yes, she turns around and yanks his desire right out from under him and throws the option in the trash. Sorry, Jillian, but if you were never going to let it happen, you shouldn't have batted your eyelashes to get him to answer when you knew he would've accepted the invitation. How can spending more time together confuse you? Closed doors away from cameras aren't all about getting naked—at least they weren't to this one time Bachelorette, regardless of what the producers wanted the card to represent.


Jillian meets Wes in Barcelona, and, of course, the producers show us that, to him, it's still all about the music. After all, one of his songs was No. 1 somewhere in Mexico. Oy vey. Wrong country, dude, and wrong show for that matter. American Idol auditions are happening now around the country.

Besides his obvious, despicable ulterior motives, Wes could not be more conceited, inarticulate and ill-mannered. After their fun-natured bike ride, they stop off at a beautiful gazebo for some food and conversation and the red flags start flying. First of all, he continuously says "honestly" and "to be honest with you." Not sure where I've heard this, but when someone feels the need to fill a chat with those words, they are most likely anything but honest. Second, he's picking food out of his molars. Disgusting. Third, when Jillian brings up where they would live, he does not budge an ounce. The only option to him is staying put in Austin. Seems pretty obvious that his priority would continue to be his career and Jillian would fall somewhere short.

And last, we come to my favorite quote of the season, so far. Jillian poses the question of how they would make it work if he makes it to the end, and Wes, out of nowhere says, "that bird has no foot." Un-freakin-believable.

At dinner, they get in to the do-you-have-a-girlfriend conversation yet again. Wes says, "If I had a girlfriend, I would be gone." What? Why would you even go on the show if you had a girlfriend? That's showing your hand right there!

He then rationalizes that he would be gone already if he were just there trying to sell records because he's already played her the song and "done the whole full-band thing." That makes absolutely no sense being that in the next breath he says that any publicity is good publicity. If I were sitting in Jillian's seat, I would've called him out on that.

The evening gets even worse when Wes busts out and says, "I'm not here to hurt you, but I'm gonna be true to myself because numero uno is most important here." Oh watch out! I cannot believe with that comment that she didn't get up and walk away right there.

The kicker of the evening? Wes slipping and describing Laurel as his girlfriend when he of course meant to say ex-girlfriend. Talk about a slip! Although he tries to cover it up, you can see the realization in Jillian's eyes that she's been played. My heart breaks for her, but I do have to say that I'm glad it is breaking at this point in the process and not three weeks down the road.

The card miraculously appears at the most dramatic moment, of course, and I have to say I'm kind of shocked that Jillian didn't immediately grab it from the waiter and toss it out the window. Wes reads it and low-and-behold, thinks he's got Jillian so wrapped around his repulsive little finger that he's getting lucky and she'll say yes. Think again, bucko. Your time is up, and your spaceship is ready to take you back to your horrid planet!

At the rose ceremony, I'm left missing my good friend Chris Harrison. I don't think he's missed one of those in all five gazillion seasons. Waiting for Jillian to arrive, the boys get chatty and filth-of-the-earth Wes says, "If it's me, you boys know that I will be back home, having lots of sex." The look that Reid and Kiptyn gave him was priceless. Roses are handed out and thank the Lord above, it is officially the end of Wes.

I have a few questions though:
1.  Why does Jillian offer to walk him out when she's never done that for any of the other bachelors to date?
2.  Why the hell are they holding hands? I wouldn't want him anywhere near me.
3.  Why is a limo waiting for him to ride off into the sunset? Yes, it's been tradition in past shows, but all the others on this show have had luxurious cabs or vans or busses. If anyone deserves a limo ride with a stocked bar to say goodbye, it is most certainly not Wes. 

In the limo, Wes' true character finally appears and he fully admits that all the attacks to his character were right on. He was "the first guy ever to make it to the top four with a girlfriend." I want to vomit. He was acting the entire time and basically just can't believe that he lost to Reid. I have so many choice words I'd love to use, but they would all have to be edited, so it's pointless. I do have to say though that I would be horrified if he were my son. What an embarrassment and disappointment. I can't imagine any mother feeling proud of someone who could so deceptively lead someone on and be so cruelly selfish.  Good riddance. We'll see you at your roast in a couple of weeks!


Check back here, same time, same place, for a recap of next week's The Bachelorette. And follow Trista on Twitter at tristasutter or on her family website at www.ryansutter.com.

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