The Office: Best of Jim & Dwight's Pranks

Check out the best moments from the conflict-laden bromance that is Jim and Dwight

By Megan Masters Jun 24, 2009 6:21 PMTags

Question: What does it take to pull off some of the greatest pranks of all time on one Dwight K. Schrute (Rainn Wilson)?

Let's see...

Mustard-colored shirt, glasses and a calculator watch for under $11? Check.

Brushing up on all things bears, beets and Battlestar Galactica? Check.

Having the hookup with the vending machine guy? Check.

Sending faxes to Dwight? From himself? From the future? Check.

Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) has gone above and beyond to mastermind the tricks he's played on Dwight over the past five seasons. And NBC must have read our minds because just as we started our tedious search around YouTube for the best Dwim/Jwight clips, it put together a list of its own.

See above for a counter-example of imitation being the most sincere form of flattery, then click in for a few more of your faves and sound off on the pranks that just didn't quite make the mark.

(Don't be mad. There are just too many amazing choices!)

Our personal fave, Dwight's faxes from the future.

Jim places all of Dwight's belongings up for sale.

And finally, The Office so graciously provided viewers with a list of pranks never seen on camera.


The Greatest Office Pranks

Dwight and Jim have had some incredible moments. Which prank do you love that didn't make the cut?
In The Fight, Dwight comes to work for the day to find that Jim has moved his entire work station into the men's restroom
In Phyllis' Wedding, Jim conducts his own version of Pavlov's experiment on Dwight, making him crave mints whenever he hears a computer chime
In Casino Night, Jim convinces Dwight he has telekinetic powers by "moving" a coatrack with just his mind
In A Benihana Christmas, Pam and Jim pose as CIA agents and enlist Dwight's assistance in a top-secret mission
In The Alliance, Jim agrees to join forces against downsizing with his nemesis, resulting in Dwight being packed into a cardboard box in the warehouse
Or the classic gag that started it all, Jim allegedly putting Dwight's stapler into a Jell-O mold

What do you think? Was your favorite prank still left out? Let us know!

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