Bitch-Back!: Kristen’s Mangey Makeover

Readers respond to Kristen Stewart’s new look, and a bunch of Blind Vices!

By Ted Casablanca Jun 18, 2009 12:32 PMTags
Kristen StewartFlynet

Dear Ted:
I think Kristen looks great with the vintage Joan Jett hair. I feel bad, though, that she seems insecure about it, especially with all the media attention about how shocking it is. She is such an accomplished actress, and The Runaways is an amazing opportunity for her to showcase her many talents. I hope she can feel more comfortable as shooting begins; she will totally embody Joan Jett. After shooting the movie, she can easily get extensions and go back to the beautiful long locks for Eclipse and Robsten sleepovers. Can you please write about how cool she looks?
—Robsten Fan

Dear Joan Jettsetting:
Well, she looks the part of a pissed-off rocker, that's all that's important, right? And I do hear Rob's into the boyish look, but really, I think K.S.'s a bit hotter with her full mane of pouty follicles.

Dear Ted:
Who do you think will tie the knot first, Ryan and Abbie or Jake and Reese?

Dear Race to the Altar:
I doubt Ryan's into Abbie for keeps. Certainly not anymore. Gyllenspoon will walk down the aisle before Ry and Ab do, and that's saying something.

Dear Ted:
I know you can't be too specific with your descriptions of Toothy Tile, but can you say what his age range is? 20-30, 30-40, over 50?

Dear Aged Whine:
Nice try. Toothy's of legal age for everything.

Dear Ted:
Here in Mexico you are our god, Ted, because you understand Robsten. You are the best. All my friends follow your Awful Truth. Besos. Mexico is Robsten territory!

Dear Amiga:
De nada!

Dear Ted:
Where is Nikki Reed? You would think that we would still be seeing pics of her and K.Stew running around together and holding hands since they are still "best friends."

Dear Be Nice:
It's called regrouping. Have a heart.

Dear Ted:
What happened to Brain-Fry Noodlestein? Is he getting help? Is that why we haven't heard from him in a while?

Dear Brain-Bashed:
Not getting help, but has managed to stay level enough to be kept out of the news. Doesn't mean he's better tho, not at all.

Dear Ted:
How the hell do I get your job?

Dear Goss Hound:
I'm not leaving anytime soon! But to be in the game of gossip, you need a big mouth, big ears and big hair. The hair's half of it, at least.

Dear Ted:
I heart you and your pro-Robsten stance, but I feel like you are subtly hinting at something more than a monogamous relaysh between them. By the way, congrats on breaking the Chaz Bono story.

Dear Racing Robsten:
You mean like saying their I dos? These kids don't even know what a biological clock is, give 'em some friggin' time! And thanks!

Dear Ted:
I am from N.H., and this is the most conservative state you can imagine. We have fundamentalist, right-wing, puritanical nuts all over the place, even here in the absolute sticks. Yet, just this past week, our governor signed into law a bill allowing anyone to marry whomever they choose. I have yet to hear much of a cry over the matter, even from those who constantly stick their unwanted, ultraconservative literature in my door all the time. So just what is up with California? BTW, I am glad your cat is feeling better. I just lost mine after 17 years.

Dear Cali Behind the Times:
Sorry about your kitty, but congrats to your state. Something clearly is rotten in the state of California. Real stinky stuff.

Dear Ted:
You are amazing! I love to read your Robsten updates. But I keep wondering, when do you think Robsten will officially come out of the dating closet? Would we have to wait until the end of the summer for Kristen's answer to Rob?

Dear Wait It Out:
Longer, we think, unless a sly pap catches them in the act.

Dear Ted:
Let me first start by saying big fan of you and a big fan of civil rights for all. Not a big fan of the former Miss Cali or Obama. My question is, why was Miss Cali raked over the coals for saying the exact same thing our president said?

Dear Good Question:
Because Obama didn't pave his way to notoriety with a staff of gay handlers, fixers, stylists and screaming queens, that's why.

Dear Ted:
Just listened to TL&T. Must say, made my eyes water up. To think that people are begging Rob to break up with Kristen. He doesn't have a choice. Even if he truly cares about her, it won't be enough. I feel so bad for her that people don't want her around. If I were her, I would probably break it off before I got too hurt. Because you know, Ted, she is going to get hurt. And for some strange reason, that makes me hurt, too.

Dear Heartache:
We feel your pain, babe. But the last thing we want is for these two to end things just 'cause a movie studio tells 'em to.

Dear Ted:
I'm sure you have assistants that read the comments for all the good tips that are provided, but have you ever read through a whole thread of 500 to 1,000 comments on Robsten? It's like listening to rabbis argue the Talmud, or Evangelicals pinpoint the Second Coming, or Episcopalians debate the ordination of gays. How does it feel to be "The Gos-pel of Robsten According to Ted"? Wow, are we crazy for these kids or what? BTW, I've tried reading some of your posts about other people. Never heard of some of 'em!

Dear Holy Hotties:
Love the honor. But it is necessary to take a Twi break once in a while—there's always Toothy to get obsessed with, too!

Dear Ted:
How should we go about getting Rob Pattinson on the cover of People's Sexiest Man Alive mag? Set up a poll and the man will win! It seems ridiculous that there is even a contest. R.Pattz is so hot right now, especially with Robsten and New Moon coming out. Even if you don't like the guy, a million girls (worldwide) screaming at ear-bleeding decibels should be more than enough to win this coveted beefcake contest. Thanks for your article! —bookaholic

Dear Sexy People:
Preaching Pattz to the choir, hon.

Dear Ted:
Why do you keep hating on Nikki Reed? I think she is so pretty. In fact, she is the best-looking girl in the cast of Twilight. Plus, she is a pretty talented singer/actress. So what if she wants to be famous and will be a little sneaky while climbing her way to the top? She wouldn't be the first. Can you please lay off the R.P. & K.S. rumors. They are so not together. Don't let the cover of OK confirm your story. Everyone knows they are not the most trusted source.

Dear Denial:
Who are your on-set sources? Not the same as ours, clearly!

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