Bitch-Back! Tons of Toothy and Aniston Quandaries

Readers are oddly concerned about Jen and Toothy Tile right now

By Ted Casablanca Jun 03, 2009 11:18 PMTags
Jennifer AnistonFame Pictures Inc

Dear Ted:
Has the Toothy Tile creature convinced himself that he is straight? Your response to a question in an earlier post said that the "she" in his life has convinced herself he's different for her, which leads me to think that maybe he has succeeded in being different or at least wants to be? Or is he just a ticking time bomb about to implode?

Dear Toothy Politics:
I thought publicity-craving, love-life-distorting, emotionally cruel egomaniacs exploded? Preferably within the confines of the Awful Truth! Regardless, yes, Toothy and his woman and most of their insipid retinue are fooling themselves increasingly on an hourly basis.

Dear Ted:
Jennifer Aniston
has made such bad choices at love and career after Friends ended and she and Brad split up. Is she really as needy and insecure and desperate for approval and pity as she seems? Is this why Brad lusted after Angie? Not that what he did was right.

Dear Not a Faniston:
Look at the guys she's gone after since Brad. She's definitely playing some kind of game—a pretty stupid and pathetic one, too. And I love Jennifer, so this pains me greatly to admit. Why that earthy and sexy babe (in many ways, she's far more approachable and real than stud-muncher Angelina) hasn't moved on is beyond me.

Dear Ted:
Someone seems to think that Ed Westwick is Nevis Devine. Can you confirm or deny this silly rumor?
Need to Know

Dear Gossip Girl:
Very close. But we haven't written about Ed's vice. Yet.

Dear Ted:
Nothing from you in a while on TomKat. Surely there's something new to report, if only that Katie is in dire need of a good stylist.

Dear Boooring:
How many times can I report how miserable Katie looks in pictures?

Dear Ted:
I love your column. I know it's been said. I hate the yellow. Too damn perky for the smut you peddle. Anyhoo, just curious: Has Jennifer Aniston ever been a B.V.?
Leann, Minnesota

Dear New to the Party:
The yellow's here to stay, doll. And no, Aniston is far too boring to be a Blind Vice. But a lot of her men surely have been.

Dear Ted:
I'm kind of new to the Blind Vices, but I can't help but think that Toothy Tile is John Stamos. Am I close?
The Doctor Is Out?

Dear Gaymos:
's ex-hubby didn't leave her for a guy.

Dear Ted:
Does Toothy Twitter?

Dear Tech-Savvy:
I don't Twitter with him.

Dear Ted:
I just realized who Michael Angarano was, and I kinda feel bad for him now, with this whole Robsten thing going on. He looks so cute and innocent.

Dear Don't Hate the Playah, Hate the Game:
He's hardly as innocent as he looks.

Dear Ted:
Love the info you give, and I just had one question: Do you know if Rob Pattinson's abs in the recent New Moon photos are airbrushed? Not that it will make a diff. I still think it's hot, but just want to know.

Dear Fake Rob:
Are fake abs the new penis implant or something? First Christian, now Rob? I prefer to think Rob is naturally hard.

Dear Ted:
You have been doing this column for a long time, and I am sure you know the ins and outs of Hollywood. Is there a star, male or female, who is really a good, decent person deep down who does not follow the B.S. of T-town but who beats to their own drum? Surprise me with your answer.

Dear Everything Old Is New:
Why the hell do you think I'm hot for R.Pattz? He's not a follower. So unusual here.

Dear Ted:
Why are you insisting that Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are together? So what if they kissed. They're actors doing their job!

Dear Not So With It:
Why are you insisting they aren't? Go to brain drive-thu pronto, please, and order some!

Dear Ted:
How is it that California is supposedly a gay-friendly state, yet the people in charge allow the passage of idiotic and ridiculous laws that are against what America was founded on, freedom? I have a friend in California who says that there is a movement to ban divorce since it is frowned upon in the Bible. Any truth?

Dear Crazy Cali:
Look who we elected governor. We don't do things here that always make sense.

Dear Ted:
I've been reading your column for some time now, and I'm a great fan. I'm a Portuguese teacher of English in Prague, Czech Republic, so I read gossip sites both for personal enjoyment as well as to get material for classes. I feel sorry for you because everyone should have the right to wed the person they love. Do you think the problem may reside in the label used (marriage being different from simply union), or is it really in accepting same-sex relationships? I'm asking you this because you can give me a precious insight on a subject that I've been discussing in some of the lessons.

Dear Study Abroad:
Second-class Ted is not a name I, and most of my gay bros and sisters, accept. It's about civil rights. Allowing gays only domestic partnerships but not marriage is akin to if blacks were rewarded better (but still separate) drinking fountains.

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