Bitch-Back! Is It Better That Adam Lost?

Adam Lambert losing American Idol could be a bonus

By Ted Casablanca May 28, 2009 3:47 PMTags
American Idol, Kris Allen, Adam LambertFrank Micelotta/FOX

Dear Ted:
Bonjour! I'm not American so I didn't watch American Idol, but we've got the same show in France, and my question is, don't you think the fact that Adam Lambert lost is in fact a very good thing for him? I mean, he had the exposure of the show, and people obviously love him, so I'm sure majors will follow. And not being under contract with the "American Idol team," he'll probably be able to do exactly what he wants with his next album and not a product of the TV. And for the "he didn't win because he's gay" issue—maybe it has more to do with the fact that teenagers are generally massively voting for this kind of contest, and a glam-rock star isn't exactly what little girls with Zac Efron and Twilight posters on their wall dream of.

Dear Nothing Lost in Translation:
Yes and no. Winning obviously hasn't hurt megastars like Carrie Underwood, but she had a pretty clear niche. I def don't think you need to be No. 1 to be a huge success—even though Mr. Lambert lost, he's already getting more publicity than Kris. He's the new Miss Cali!

Dear Ted:
If someone's not sure that Prop 8 in California is discriminatory—substitute "African-American" for "same-sex" and then read it again. Bet they'd change their minds. Plus, doesn't it amaze you when people who have been discriminated against are so willing to discriminate against others?

Dear Shock Value:
George Clooney
concurs. Nothing amazes me about how hurtful people in this country can be. No worries, though, our time will come. Soon.

Dear Ted:
There's no better way to start my day than with a steaming hot cup of Truth of the most Awful kind. Please tell me, has Jamie Foxx been the subject of a Blind Vice?
Another Robsten fan

Dear Hot To Trot:
Oh yeah.

Dear Ted:
I think you're great, Ted. I'm so happy that you continue to fight for your rights. You will definitely prevail. So happy you exist, thank you for all the good gossip!
Aimee in Aus

Dear No on H8:
Much thanks, double A!

Dear Ted:
Ted, I hope you seriously read some of the posts RE: anything Robsten. I have never in my life seen such a bunch of loonies. Some of these "loonies" are just typing "trolling" to take up space (very funny by the way), some are "in the know but can't tell," and some can't spell correctly (bothers me big time). So for those of us on those posts who are just having fun speculating on your clues, I am going to ask you straight out: Is Robsten still on? Tell it like it is, Ted, we wear big-kid panties.

Dear Straight Shooter:
Why would you think otherwise? Please don't tell me you're a sucker for staged photo ops!

Dear Ted:
What is going on with Hayden P., the "mature" anti-party animal? Is it that she is getting older and invited? It is quite funny/sad how the starlets start out with the best intentions and then jump in blindly.

Dear Waste Case:
Hayden has about has much heat, in my opinion, as Vanessa Hudgens. They are both so quasi-dull! I'd like H to start partying—maybe it'll actually make her interesting.

Dear Ted:
Used to be a regular poster in your A.T. message boards. Reading your Robsten Twi tarts brought back memories of true and educated Brangelina fans. It was wild and crazy! Don't you ever wonder what happened to the awesome group of gypsysoul84, the smart and sassy Ga.Peach...the nice and collected darkangel52 and the fence-sitting MD.123? Can you give them a shout-out to comeback? They would be great examples to your sometimes-unruly Robsten brats. Thanks.

Dear Smith-Twilight Showdown:
We should get some good ol' Jake Gyllenhaal regulars in the lineup, too.

Dear Ted:
Why are you really so obsessed with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart? You know very well that they're not together and never will be. All this stuff is only for advertisement. Why are you keeping the hype on? Sometimes I really think that you make things up. I'm sorry, I don't want to offend you, but that's my opinion. Come on. Stop it and leave those kids alone!

Dear Not So With It:
You work at Summit? Get with it: This thing's real, babe.

Dear Ted:
Love your column—it's gossip crack for me! What's your take on all the rumors of Jen and Brad having heart-to-heart talks? I know you've been saying Brangelina is soon to blow up, but with everything on the tabloids it seems pretty confusing. How true is that April 23 face-to-face? Could it be Jen is only leaking this for publicity? Although that's seems unlikely to me. Please, pretty please send us a hint.
Love from Honduras

Dear Daters Remorse:
Brange will hit the dust someday, but it's not going to be because of Jennifer Aniston, trust. I'm not buying those late-night drunk phone calls. I don't doubt they talk occasionally, but Brad's still lovesick over Angie. It's really pathetic. 

Dear Ted:
Has anyone ever guessed Topher Grace as Toothy Tile? I know it's so wrong to be so concerned about someone's sexuality, but damn it, Ted, you've made it into this addicting little game!

Dear Fall From Grace:
I've lost track of all the Toothy guesses, but Topher ain't Tile. Very close, though. In lotsa ways. Like dimples.

Dear Ted:
I bet you'd be a riot at a party. If you were at a friend's house and you were offered one drink and you didn't have to drive which drink would you prefer, a margarita?

Dear Sobered Up:
None for me, I'm sober, sorry babe!

Dear Ted:
Just saw the pictures of Paris in Cannes. Wow, I'm speechless.

Dear Bump and Grind:
Please, they've done a lot worse in public!

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