Octomom Stays Fertile, Celebrates Mother's Day

Nadya Suleman retracts claims that upcoming surgery will render her sterile; lets cameras into her home for maternal holiday

By Gina Serpe May 11, 2009 2:20 PMTags
Nadya SulemanEric Brogmus/INFphoto

Our long national nightmare would have been over—if only Octomom had a firmer grasp of her reproductive organs.

Despite her claims last week that she would be undergoing surgery to remove nearly half of her uterus, thereby rendering her infertile, Nadya Suleman is now setting the record—her record—straight, admitting that she overstated the scope of the surgery and saying that the operation would, in fact, make her more productive than ever.

"I'm not having half my uterus removed," she told Radar Online. "I think that may have been an exaggeration on my part. It's called a myomectomy, they're removing the fibroids and part of the uterus and actually it enhances fertility, it doesn't reduce it.

"If I really wanted to become pregnant, I could. But I would never," she laughed (and California taxpayers cringed).

Meanwhile, the mother of 14 again opened her doors to Radar's cameras yesterday, giving the public a window into how she celebrated the maternal holiday.

"Today on Mother's Day, I feel like it's Thanksgiving," she said. "And I'm just incredibly thankful for what I have and what I've been given and feel like all my children are blessed."


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