Does Tyra Want to Give Up Her TV Empire?

Could Tyra Banks give up her TV job and go back to modeling?

By Ted Casablanca, Becky Bain May 07, 2009 1:34 PMTags
Tyra BanksStephen Lovekin/Getty Images

Out of all the bigass disappointments at the Met Costume Gala—and there were a ton—the biggest one by far was Tyra Banks. Not her fashion choice, tho we can't say we fell head over stilettos in love with that odd black frock. It was the typically mouthy babe's total lack of personality.

"Tyra Banks was so far from her funny and cool persona on her TV show," says a fellow galagoer. "She was way too 'model' and was just flashing model faces left and right. I hated that."

Tyra keeping quiet? What friggin' alternate universe are we in? Could she be realizing that she shouldn't turn her back on her former career just yet?

Ty might be stealing scenes in the Hannah Montana movie from Miley Cyrus, but she's got a long, long way to go before she gives Oprah a run for her oodles of money. Mama O's still standing in the top five syndicated shows on TV, while Ty's talk show comes nowhere near her. Doesn't even place in the top 20, no matter how many episodes Ty dedicates to her ass.

But what about Tyra's Top Model show? It's a guilty pleasure hit, right? Sure, according to Nielsen ratings, ANTM is the CW's No. 1 show. But compared to everything else on the prime-time boob tube, it's not one of the best, either.

Wonder if Banks' slipping back into total robo-model mode at the Met bash shows she's finally realizing that dethroning Op is a futile plan, and that she'd better go back to what she used to do best—posing and pouting. But can she do it?

The whole friggin' gala was a tribute to models, an occupation we think Ty has distanced herself from too much. Banks tried to cash in on owning her semi-plus-size poundage from those infamous bikini shots, but then the big O had to go steal Tyra's thunder on that too.

So is T having a little career change remorse? Most likely. 'Cause even if Tyra believes she's still America's Top Model, we don't think anyone else is really seeing it that way. No matter how many times the babe pouts and puckers.

—Additional reporting by Taryn Ryder

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