France Fuming Over Audrey's Smoking Movie Poster

Transportation authority bans Coco Chanel movie poster which features star Audrey Tautou holding a lit cigarette

By Gina Serpe Apr 23, 2009 8:45 PMTags
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Zut alors! A poster for the upcoming biopic Coco Avant Chanel, which features Audrey Tautou holding a lit cigarette, has been banned by Paris' bus and train advertising giant Métrobus in order to abide by France's strict laws prohibiting the depiction of smoking in advertising.

The transportation authority deemed the ad "unhealthy and inappropriate."

Nevermind that Coco herself is famous for being a 50-cigarette-per-day gal, that the man behind the country's stringent anti-tobacco rule, former Health Minister Claude Evin, has spoken out against the poster prohibition, or that, recent public smoking ban aside, puffing away has long seemed as iconically French as baguettes, berets and, well, Chanel.

In place of the offending image, producers have swapped out a more anodyne, lung-friendly shot of Tautou, which critics have not been shy in deriding.

A spokesman for Warner France told London's Telegraph, "For us, the real poster is where Coco Chanel is smoking in a natural pose that translates her strong personality and her modernity."


Coco Loco

Tell us, does the ban go too far?
Oui, the cigarette is historically accurate and should cause no, it looks cool
Non, it's a drastic step, but it's the only way to deglamorize tobacco
Peut-être, ask me in five minutes when my smoking break is over

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