Howard Stern Hoaxed! Beyoncé "Outtakes" Are Fake, Creator Admits

Clip purporting to be unedited board mix of star singing on Today show played by Stern was a joke, the creator confirms to E! News

By Breanne L. Heldman Apr 22, 2009 10:20 PMTags

We didn't believe it for a second.

Despite all the suckers on the interwebs, Beyoncé Knowles has not, in fact, pulled an Enrique Iglesias. That fingers-in-your-ears singing shrieking Howard Stern played on his radio show, calling it an unedited board mix of the star performing on the Today show last November, is a hoax.

In fact, E! News tracked down the creator of the video above who confirmed its lack of authenticity.

"Yes I created them they are fake," says Matt from

In addition to the wacked-out version of "If I Were a Boy" that made it onto Stern's show Tuesday, the site also got silly with the star's performance of "Single Ladies."

Surely, the small blog—which posted the videos in early January—probably didn't expect it to make its way through major media outlets and straight to Beyoncé's father, Mathew Knowles.

The proud papa became understandably heated at his daughter's talent being doubted.

"If no one took the time to look at the biggest Inauguration in the history of America then shame on them," he says in a statement to E! News. "If no one took the time to listen to Beyoncé sing 'America the Beautiful' and 'At Last' at the Neighborhood Ball for the first dance of President Obama and the First Lady, and they question Beyoncé's vocal ability, they've got be an idiot.

"At 12 years into her career, the last thing someone should be questioning is her vocal ability. That would be like questioning if Kobe Bryant could shoot a jump shot. The vocals were obviously altered."

The Obsessed star was a bit more mild about the situation.

"I haven't heard it but it sounds completely ridiculous," she told MTV when asked about the track during an interview for her new movie.

We recommend you not play this again. It might make those hot-muscled werewolves elsewhere on the site start howling.

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