Fringe Redux: And They All Fall Down...

Time to discuss the many things that went down on Fringe tonight

By Jennifer Godwin Apr 22, 2009 5:11 AMTags
Fringe, Anna Torv, John Noble, Josh JacksonCraig Blankenhorn/FOX

Fringe is now officially in the zone! So much good stuff tonight that we must discuss.

If you haven't watched yet, get out of here and catch up, but if you have seen it, and you already know the difference between Astrid and astral projection, get in here!


Love and Lust: Hot damn, there was actual progress on the Peter and Olivia front. Debate, if you will, whether they should even consider it (either within the Fringe-verse or just as a meta problem of two TV characters who may or may not actually have any chemistry), but progress there was. Now, all we need to do is get Peter and Olivia's scenes just half as sexy as the scene with vision-Olivia and that stripper. Not to fetishize lesbo suicide pacts or anything, but that was hot.

Whee! All I want for Christmas is for the rest of Fringe to be about a "war against the denizens of a parallel universe." Because that sounds (a) superfun, and (b) it could mean a million things, most of which are equally cool.

Grainy Video Time! There's no problem Bad Robot can't solve with a grainy VHS tape from the past. First Dharma and now Walter's experiments "revealed!" via terrible videography. More to the point about video, though, have none of these people have seen Firestarter with Drew Barrymore and George C. Scott?! As we all learned from that excellent motion picture, injecting untested drugs into cute little blond girls leads only to holocaustic infernos and general badness.

Place Your Bets: Do you have a personal theory about exactly what the Cortextiphan (as in cerebral cortext, see?) did to the pliable brain of young "Olive"? Is she psychic and/or telekinetic and/or will they just keep adding and subtracting powers until the end of the series, Halliwell-sisters-style?

Awww... Gotta love the wide-eyed idealism inherent in the expositional statement: "If you can dream a better world, you can make a better world." Very George Bernard Shaw by way of Robert Kennedy: "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?" Thanks for the pep talk and the sci-fi boosterism, Fringe. It adds to the hopeful atmosphere around here lately.



Promos promised the biggest reveal yet, so that's gotta be Nimoy as Walter Bishop. Right?

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