Watch What Happens When Today's Teens Have to Use Encyclopedias

"It was Google way back in the day," says these kids as they check out the giant books

By Jenna Mullins Jul 14, 2015 7:16 PMTags

We hope after watching this video, kids today realize how insanely lucky they are to have the Internet in their palms at all times. Because back in our day, if we had to do a report on Ancient Egypt, or hell, just look up what the capital of Egypt was…we had to go slogging through a giant book called an encyclopedia.

YouTube's Fine Brothers just released another edition of their Teens React series, and this time, they are checking out the spirit of book reports past, or as they call them:

"It's the Internet in books" and "It was Google way back in the day!"


This writer grew up at a time when encyclopedias were definitely the norm, but a little thing called Encarta was an emerging resource. You like that name drop? Encarta '95 4-eva!

Hey, as long as these kids don't pronounce "encyclopedia" like Ted Mosby did on How I Met Your Mother, then we'll let their complete lack of knowledge on these books slide.