See the New Lost Sneak Peek Video!

Only 38 short days until Lost returns!

By Jennifer Godwin Dec 15, 2008 9:45 PMTags

Only 38 short days until Lost returns!

That day, Jan. 21, will be a great day indeed, and ABC's Dharma affiliates have just released an all-new sneak peek to rev up our anticipation, featuring Jack and Ben working out a plan to return to the Island.

As per Jack's legendary caterwauling at the end of season three, "We have to go BAAAAACKKK," and Ben's dictate from the end of season four, "All of you have to go back...You have to do it together, all of you," the first problem of getting back to the Island is the "we." Hurley's crazy, Sayid's all but a phantom, Kate's her natural-born runway self, and nobody tells Sun what to do.

Can Jack and Ben put the band back together?

What did Locke tell Jack to make him want to return?

Will Jack ever shave that icky pelt off his face?

Click in to watch the new sneak peek and find out for yourself...

But wait! There's more! Merry Xmas and Happy Hannukah from Darlton & Co.! Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are sharing secrets in a special holiday-present podcast for the fans:

  • We'll learn who all is involved in Ben's dictate of "everyone" having to return—and as it turns out, everyone might or might not refer to the Oceanic Six.
  • Q: Which came first, Dharma or the smoke monster? A: Smoke monster. (Huh.)
  • Remember the runway that the Others were building back in season three? (Sawyer and Kate were employed as slave labor on the project back when they were held hostage on the Island's sidekick island.) Well, according to Darlton, it may be something they never talk about again, or it could be completely critical for the plot of season five. My guess? It's completely critical. We've already gotten an Easter Egg about Ajira Airways (which, being an airline, presumably has planes), and despite Jack's brilliant plan to use his own brainwaves to crash an Oceanic Airlines flight in the ocean as a way to rediscover the missing Island, simply landing a plane on an Island runway might be a better and safer idea, don't you think?

We agree Lost rocks, but how much do we agree? Discuss in the comments.