Yes, Your Bartender Is Watching (and Judging) Your Tinder Date

Find out what they think about your date

By Seija Rankin Feb 24, 2015 12:32 AMTags

First dates can be awful. Especially if you're meeting somebody from Tinder.

But it turns out that you're not the only one cringing from awkwardness—your bartender is, too. That's right, it turns out that the person serving you that glass of pinot grigio is listening in on the whole thing, and they can tell right away if things are going south. 

YouTube user The Daily Share decided to go straight to the source to find out just what your bartender thinks of your half-hour conversation about where you grew up.

And, unfortunately, we can confirm that there are major first date nightmares happening all over the place. Guys are taking off while you're in the bathroom. Girls are giving bartenders secret hand signals when their date's profile picture is a bait-and-switch. Goodbye kiss signals are being crossed left and right.

The good news is that your friendly neighborhood bartender is getting a huge kick out of the whole spectacle. They're keeping track of how quickly you furnish an excuse about "getting up early." They're taking bets on which dates are going to last. And, occasionally, they're having to man up and tell you when your date ditched you during that bathroom break.

Watch the video for the all the horrifyingly hilarious intel, and here's hoping your next Tinder break doesn't turn into bartender fodder.