This Woman Is the Biggest Winner in Price Is Right History—And You Have to See Her Reaction

Sheree L. Heil won over $100,000 on the game show, the biggest winner ever

By John Boone Dec 30, 2013 9:59 PMTags

Come ooooon dooooooown!

If your ultimate fantasy doesn't include competing on contestants' row in a bedazzled T-shirt, winning by bidding $1 more than some other chump contestant, freaking out and hugging Bob Barker (it's Bob Barker in our fantasy, but Drew Carey works, too), winning your game of Plinko, spinning the wheel and hitting the $1.00, guessing the showcase showdown exactly so that you win both showcases including a jet ski, a vacation to Barcelona, Spain and A NEW CAAAAAAAR, then we can't be friends.

So with only the slightest bit of jealousy, we congratulate Sheree L. Heil from Tacoma, Wash. for becoming the biggest winner in daytime Price Is Right history. Sheree won an Audi R8 V8 Spyder Quattro S Tronic worth $157,300.

Her reaction, on the other hand, is priceless. 

Really, this is just an excuse for us to rewatch some of our favorite winners.

Like this guy:

And this gal:

And this Emmy-winning Aaron Paul:

Post links to your favorite Prince Is Right wins in the comments!