Unknown White Male

ByFeb 17, 2006 8:00 AMTags
Talk about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Doug Bruce lives that scenario every day of his life in this disturbing, fascinating documentary. The British-born American resident woke up one July morning in 2003 on a subway train to Coney Island. He had no idea how he wound up there and had no memory of who he was. And after a friend arrives at a psychiatric hospital to claim him and take him home, Bruce's re-education begins.
He's studied by neurologists and psychiatrists, none of whom can determine how or why he lost his memory. And, most movingly, he has to remeet family and friends, relearn his profession, retaste foods, resee movies and pore over old photos, letters and videos to piece together who he once was. You won't come away from his life with many answers, but it's an absorbing visit with a man who sees a stranger every time he looks in the mirror.

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